5 Absolutely Delicious Turkish Recipes for People Looking to Try Something New ...

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5 Absolutely Delicious Turkish Recipes for People Looking to Try Something New ...

Turkish cuisine is extremely versatile and rich and these dishes are the best Turkish recipes one can ever taste!

Below I shared the 5 Turkish dishes that will simply blow your mind! All people who love good food absolutely must try these:


dish, cuisine, food, vegetarian food, asian food, This is very similar to pizza and is a common street food in Turkey. But it's just insanely delicious! If you ask me - I'll take lahmacun over pizza any day! And so will you if you try it at least once!

Check out thespruce.com for a full recipe of this amazing dish.

Frequently asked questions


dish, cuisine, food, manti, italian food, Manti are traditional Turkish dumplings. Many countries have similar recipe - these are amazingly filling. You are going to love them!

Find full recipe and list of ingredients for manti at google.de.


dish, leaf vegetable, food, sarma, vegetarian food, Sarma is basically just vine leaves stuffed with meat and rice. Sounds very simple - but the taste is extraordinary! If you are looking to cook something exotic and delicious - this is the thing!

For full recipe and ingredients visit ozlemsturkishtable.com.


dish, rice, pilaf, cuisine, food, Pilav is a traditional Turkish rice dish. Just like with risotto, you can source it up adding extra ingredients, like mushroom.

See google.de for a full original recipe and all ingredients you'll need to make it at home!


dish, food, animal source foods, recipe, Now, best for last! If you like eggplants, you'll love this dish. Karni yarik is basically an eggplant stuffed with lamb or beef. But the taste it has! The combination of eggplant and meat and cheese is just killer!

Please see sbs.com.au for the recipe and all the details.

Afiyet olsun (which means "enjoy your meal!").

Do you know other amazing exotic recipes to try out this summer - tell us in the comments!

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