9 Delectable Drink Recipes Sure to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth ...


The following list of drink recipes is diverse; some are alcoholic whereas others are not. These recipes are definitely for the woman who loves a nice after dinner dessert! Whether you’re looking for a tasty cocktail or a delicious milkshake, check out these drink recipes below and feel free to indulge!

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1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Martini

Reese’s Peanut Butter Martini This recipe is super easy and super delicious; it’s one of my favorite drink recipes! I absolutely love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, so the fact that this drink tastes exactly like one is utterly perfect!

1 1/2 oz. Chocolate Vodka
1 oz. Peanut Rum
3/4 oz. Chocolate liqueur
1/2 oz. creme

All you have to do is squeeze some chocolate syrup into the bottom of a martini glass. Then, mix all of the ingredients into a shaker with ice. Then, shake it!! Strain the concoction into glass and garnish with a Reese's cup.

Source: thesweetesttemptations.blogspot.com

2. Sugar Cookie Milkshake

Sugar Cookie Milkshake How could you go wrong with a cookie-flavored milkshake? With every sip, you'll get the sweet taste of a cookie but the nice creamy consistency of a milkshake. How could you go wrong?

2/3 cup milk of choice (try canned coconut milk for an ice-cream-like shake)
1 frozen, over-ripe banana or 1/2 cup of your favorite ice cream scant
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
optional: 1-2 tbsp raw cashew butter
optional: add cinnamon for a snickerdoodle shake!
optional: 1 scoop protein powder, if desired

Blend everything together until smooth. Don’t add ice; it will dilute the flavor. Feel free to crumble an actual sugar cookie into the shake as well! Yum!

Source: chocolatecoveredkatie.com

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3. Frozen Mudslide

Frozen Mudslide Calling all mudslide fans! (And I'm definitely one!) I'm definitely up to try any drink that tastes more like a dessert. Are you?

2 oz vodka
2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
2 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream
6 oz vanilla ice cream.

Blend all ingredients together and serve!

Source: thisbottleofvodka.tumblr.com

4. Cookie Dough Cocoa

Cookie Dough Cocoa If cookie dough ice cream is a main ingredient in this recipe, this drink sounds like pure bliss! Heaven in a cup, coming right up!

1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 pint cookie dough ice cream
4-5 cups water

In a large saucepan, melt the butter, sugar, and ice cream together. Add just enough water to create a pourable cocoa; you don’t want the cocoa to end up too thick or too thin. Heat until melted. Top with whipped cream and mini chocolate chips.

Source: blogs.babble.com

5. Malibu Coconutini

Malibu Coconutini There are no words for this drink. You'll just have to try it! It's a great dessert drink when you want a little buzz!

1 oz. Malibu rum
1 oz. Irish cream
1 oz. chocolate liqueur

You’ll need a shaker for this recipe! Put all the ingredients into the shaker, add ice, and shake. Drizzle chocolate syrup along the inside of the glass, and then add the beverage. Add a chocolate lollipop if you so desire!

Source: cosmopolitan.com

6. Homemade Italian Cream Soda

Homemade Italian Cream Soda I'm Italian, so how could I pass up including this drink on the list? Surely, a homemade soda recipe is one for the books! (Especially if it's as tasty as this one!)

1/2 cup Club Soda
3 TBSP Torani
1 TBSP Half & Half
3 ice cubes
Whipped cream and a cherry for the top!


Add ice cubes to glasses. Measure out about 1/2 cup Club Soda and pour into each glass. {If you have larger glasses, you can double all of the ingredients.}

Measure out 3 TBSP Torani syrup. You can find this type of syrup in the coffee section at just about any grocery store. I found vanilla everywhere but had a hard time finding any fruity flavors. I finally found Raspberry at Walmart. The bottles cost about $3.50 each and will make about 12-14 of the drinks at least.

Our favorite combo was a mix of vanilla and raspberry as detailed above. Yum.

Add the syrup to the soda. Just before serving add the 1 TBSP of Half & Half to the soda/ syrup mixture. This is the fun part- as the cream seeps down it makes a really cool design on the glass. Try and not shake the glasses around too much so that the design is preserved- serve with whipped cream and a cherry on top, as well as something to stir with prior to drinking. It's fun to admire the cool swirls of the syrup and cream, but encourage everyone to give it a little stir before drinking so that all the flavors meld.

Source: butterwithasideofbread.com

7. Mocha Frappe

Mocha Frappe This drink takes similar to the McDonald's version. Coffee and chocolate? What's not to like?

1/2 cups Cold Coffee
2 Cups Milk
1/4 Cup Chocolate Syrup
1/4 Cup Sugar

Just freeze the coffee into ice cube trays. Once frozen, blend all the ingredients until smooth and you’re all finished! Wow! Could it get any simpler?

Source: sweetpenniesfromheaven.com

8. Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate Here's another recipe for the peanut butter fans! This time, it's a hot drink and non-alcoholic too! All you need is a few simple ingredients and you'll have a new wintertime favorite!

Whipped Cream
Chocolate Chips
Vanilla Extract
Hot Chocolate Mix (12 Oz.)
Creamy Peanut Butter

Heat up pre-made hot chocolate on a skillet pan over low – medium heat. Then. add a couple drops of vanilla and about 1.5 teaspoon of peanut butter. Slowly mix until the peanut butter is completely melted into the chocolate; this takes about 3 minutes or so. Pour hot chocolate into your cup, then top with whipped cream and chocolate chips

Source: budgetsavvydiva.com

9. The Chocolate-Lovers Margarita

The Chocolate-Lovers Margarita If you're a huge fan of chocolate covered strawberries, boy, do I have a treat for you! It's similar to a strawberry daiquiri. Sounds delicious, right?

3 parts chocolate milk (store bought or homemade)
1 part Sauza Silver Tequila
1 part strawberry puree or daiquiri mix
Chocolate covered strawberry

Combine chilled chocolate milk, Sauza and strawberry puree in a glass. Stir vigorously to combine. Pour into a glass and garnish with a chocolate covered strawberry. Ta-da!

Source: cosmopolitan.com

With all these delicious recipes, how can you pick just one? Which one (if any) are you going to try first? Have you tried any of these before or do you have another recipe to share?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Italian sodas do not have half and half, those are considered French sodas:) I love both.

Can't wait to try the cookie dough one

Yum!!!!! Can wait to try them ALL! :)

Cookie dough cocoa and peanut butter hot chocolate... mmm, better start the treadmill up lol! :)

Perfect! Love the non-alcoholic ones!!

Omg peanut butter hot chocolate!<3