7 Delicious Beers You Should Definitely Keep on Hand ...


7 Delicious Beers You Should Definitely Keep on Hand ...
7 Delicious Beers You Should Definitely Keep on Hand ...

My husband is always on the lookout for new and delicious beers, so this list will come in mighty handy for him. Keeping some yummy samples of beer at home is an easy way to be sure you have a drink to offer guests or a cold beverage after a hard day’s work. With breweries popping up all over the country, there are loads of new and delicious beers all the time, so start with these and add to it as you find new ones. Don’t forget to let me in on your favorites.

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1. Moose Drool Brown Ale

Moose Drool Brown Ale It’s way more appetizing than it sounds, I promise. Moose Drool is a creamy beer that’s brewed with chocolate and caramel. It’s a darker beer, but it’s perfect for a hot summer day or a great game of football on television. This is one of the most delicious beers you can find and it’s surprisingly easy to locate despite its strange name.

2. Anchor Steam

Anchor Steam Not only does this beer come in a really cool bottle, but it tastes super yummy too. It’s got a dark color with a thick head and a slightly hoppy flavor. This lager has all the best perks of the carbonation process, but also features the fruitiness of ale. This beer has gotten plenty of rave reviews, so I suggest adding it to your beer cooler right away. Just try to save at least one for your guests.

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3. Peter Brown Tribute Ale

Peter Brown Tribute Ale What sounds more delicious than beer brewed with brown sugar and molasses? That’s just what makes this beer so popular. It’s got a smooth and slightly sweet flavor that you’re simply going to love. Not only that, but it’s won several awards at state fairs and beer festivals. If that’s not enough to get you running to the liquor store, I don’t know what is.

4. Chimay Rouge

Chimay Rouge It just sounds fancy, doesn’t it? This is another beer that comes in a really great bottle that you’re sure to find another use for once you’ve glugged down what’s inside. Chimay Rouge has a creamy head and a delicious apricot scent. It tastes great too. This beer is slightly dark and offers up a subtle hoppy taste. It’s one that’s sure to become one of your favorites.

5. Milk Stout Nitro

Milk Stout Nitro What a name this one has! This is a dark black stout beer so it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s nothing like the pale ales you’re probably used to. But it has a delicious chocolate, barley and oats flavor that makes it taste great. This is one to pair with a hearty Irish meal or a thick juicy steak. Heck, have it for dessert - it’s just that good!

6. Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet

Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet How can you not be happy drinking something with a name like Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet? True to its name, this beer has a super hoppy flavor that is sure to please any beer connoisseur. Crack this beer open and get ready for a delicious whiff of hops and malt that’ll make your mouth water. Drink this with sharp cheese or a super sweet dessert.

7. Founders Dirty Bastard

Founders Dirty Bastard Try not to be put off by the strange name. This beer is lighter in color and only slightly hoppy. It’s smoky and offers a yummy malt flavor that works really well with smoked meat or a cheese platter.

What’s your favorite beer? Do any of these make your mouth water?

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Kriek beer from Belgium is also great..

I loved all of then! yummy *drooling*

My boss is a beer lover so he's definitely getting these. Minus the bastard one.

Littler creatures, love that stuff .