12 Delicious Berry Smoothies for Girls Wanting an Antioxidant Boost ...

By Emily

12 Delicious Berry Smoothies for Girls Wanting an Antioxidant Boost ...

‌‌Let's be real: saying you want to eat healthier and actually doing it aretwo completely different things. It can be hard to follow the food pyramid andget the right amount of nutrients you need for a balanced diet. But, luckily, amagical and tasty concoction exists that can pack a punch and give you aperfect antioxidant boost: smoothies.

Smoothies are the best. You can mix somany different things in them to get different vitamins and minerals you mightbe looking for. Plus, they taste AMAZING.😋 Need we say more? We have some of thebest berry smoothie recipes right here for you, so look no further.‌‌

1 Goji Berry Tahini Smoothie

food, strawberry, produce, breakfast, strawberries, Get the recipe: goji berry tahini smoothie

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2 Flat-Belly Smoothie

food, plant, produce, fruit, berry, Get the recipe: flat-belly smoothie

3 Coconut Core Smoothie

food, berry, produce, plant, dessert, Get the recipe: coconut core smoothie

4 Acai Berry Immunity-Boosting Smoothie

food, sundae, dessert, berry, produce, Get the recipe: acai berry immunity-boosting smoothie

5 Raspberry Vanilla Protein Smoothie

food, raspberry, strawberry, berry, red, Get the recipe: raspberry vanilla protein smoothie

6 Karlie Kloss's Breakfast Smoothie

food, berry, blackberry, plant, produce, Get the recipe: Karlie Kloss's breakfast smoothie

7 Almond Strawberry Banana Yoghurt Smoothie

food, produce, berry, plant, fruit, Get the recipe: almond strawberry banana yoghurt smoothie

8 Beet Blueberry Chocolate Protein Smoothie

food, produce, plant, berry, fruit, Get the recipe: beet blueberry chocolate protein smoothie

9 Antioxidant Smoothie

food, berry, plant, produce, drink, Get the recipe: antioxidant smoothie

10 Pineapple Kale Smoothie

food, fruit, produce, plant, berry, Get the recipe: pineapple kale smoothie

11 Blueberry Mango Kiwi Kale Smoothie

food, produce, fruit, plant, berry, Get the recipe: blueberry mango kiwi kale smoothie

12 Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothie

blue, plant, food, produce, berry, Get the recipe: blueberry cheesecake smoothie

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