I am always looking for new teas to try. My nana is English and so my mom made sure that I had my first tea set by the age of 3. What I love about tea is that there are so many types out there. Lately I have been obsessed with Twinings of London's tea line. I figured they knew what was up with tea because they have been in the game for over 300 years. Here is my list of teas to try; won't you join me for a cup?
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1. Lady Grey
That's right, ladies! Lady Grey is similar to the classic Earl Grey but there is also a hint of orange and lemon. I don't like my tea too fruity, but this blend just has a hint so it's not overpowering. It's great as is or with a little cream and sugar. Drink it up with your pinky up!
2. English Breakfast
You can't go wrong with this classic spot of tea! This is what I was raised on, always with cream and sugar. But last time my nana came for a visit she said that I'd mature one day and not need the sugar. Hmm, that day has arrived as I've switched to a sugar free lifestyle and I must say that English Breakfast tea is just as good, if not better, on its own. It's strong and robust and was originally designed to compliment a traditional hearty English breakfast.
3. Earl Grey
The legend behind this tea is that the second Earl Grey was presented this recipe by an envoy on his return from China. Earl Grey is a fine black tea with hints of bergamot. Some ladies say it's too flowery, but I think it's lovely. It's definitely worth checking out.
4. Irish Breakfast
Twinings suggests drinking Irish Breakfast tea with milk and sweetened to bring out its flavor. Since dairy and milk products are traditionally a major part of the Irish diet, it's common to drink it this way. Like the English Breakfast tea, it's strong and has more caffeine than green and herbal teas but still less than a cup of coffee. I tried this cup at my desk the other day and absolutely loved it.
5. China Oolong
China Oolong tea is a hybrid between black and green tea but has a reddish color to it. Unlike the breakfast teas, the China Oolong tea is great to drink around lunchtime as it's slightly lower in caffeine content. This tea has been around for over 400 years and is still going strong. It's also best served with milk and sweetened to taste.
6. Green Tea
Whenever I cut back on my caffeine I will still have the occasional cup of green tea. Green tea has been noted to have amazing health benefits because it fights free radicals in the body and helps prevent cancer and heart disease. It's also wonderful for the metabolism and is great at burning fat! I prefer to drink my green tea straight up with nothing added. It's refreshing and calming and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
7. Pure Peppermint
Okay, so when I am being hardcore with my eating habits, I find that Pure Peppermint (and mint tea in general) is great for my body. It's naturally caffeine-free, which is different and better than being decaffeinated. You can drink it anytime of the day, even in the evening. So it's great if you just want something warm to sip on. I also drink this tea with nothing added and sometimes I drink it iced with a little lemon and mint leaves added.
8. Pure Camomile
Camomile is my go to tea for relaxation. Like the Pure Peppermint, Camomile is naturally caffeine-free so it's great if you need to just chill out. It's an herbal tea that was first discovered by Egyptians for its benefits. Some of the benefits of Camomile is that it's an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic herb. It's wonderful if your body is not in top shape. I suggest replacing coffee with Camomile tea to my friends who are trying to make better health decisions.
9. Lemon & Ginger
Honestly this combo made me think of the flu and so I resisted it at first. But I actually really enjoyed this tea. Ginger has amazing healing properties and lemon is wonderful for alkalizing the body. This combo is smooth and refreshing and also naturally caffeine-free. This is another tea that's great over ice during the summertime. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite caffeine-free teas.
10. Chai
The first time that I had Chai tea was when I was a Starbucks barista in college. And let me keep it real with you ladies, when I say that I had Chai I was drinking the syrup stuff with whip cream on top. It's not quite the same, not quite. So I guess the first time I had a real cup of Chai tea was at Chado Tea Room in Pasadena with authentic tea from around the world. Chai is so delicious with its delicate balance of sweet and savory spices. Enjoy a cup of Chai as it is or add some cream to smooth it out. You shouldn't need to add much sweetness to this one.
Well ladies, that wraps up my list of 10 Delicious teas to try. I am already researching (tasting) new teas for my next list to share. What are some of your favorite tea brands and tea types? I'd love to hear your suggestions!
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