Delicious Ways to Eat Seaweed for the Benefits ...

By Deeceebee

Delicious Ways to Eat Seaweed for the Benefits ...

Seaweed is one of the most nutritious foods available but many of us ignore it, which is a real shame. It might be that you don’t like sushi, but there are other ways to eat seaweed other than in sushi or going for a meal at a Japanese restaurant. There really are some great reasons to eat seaweed. They are a sea vegetable that are packed full of iron, chlorophyll and other minerals such as folate, calcium, iodine, and zinc. Seaweed also contains protein, fibre, and vitamins. Actually, most types of seaweed are more nutrient dense than land vegetables. Now you know why you should be eating it, here are some non-sushi ways to eat seaweed.

1 Nori

leaf vegetable, kale, vegetarian food, spinach, nori, This is the black seaweed that is used in sushi and is the most commonly available. It is chock-full of iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. Of course, if you like and eat sushi, you’re covered, but nori is very flavoursome, so you can sprinkle strips of it over salads or soups and even noodle dishes. If you’re a fan of veggie chips, give baked nori chips a try. You can get different flavours of nori, so you can mix it up a bit.

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2 Wakame

dish, vegetarian food, leaf vegetable, vegetable, wakame, The main nutrients wakame provides are iodine, calcium, and iron, along with most of the vitamins. It is also an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids and great antioxidants. If you have an Asian grocery store in your area you might be able to find fresh wakame. Lucky you, because it makes a great green salad on its own or with other leaves. If you by it dried it is delicious when reconstituted. It can be used in salads – it’s particularly good with cucumber, mixed in with quinoa or couscous, and can also be used in stir-fry.

3 Kombu

kombu, tsukudani, da hong pao, animal source foods, Kombu is another nutritional powerhouse from the sea. It contains calcium, copper, and iron, as well as fibre, antioxidants, and amino acids. If you use dashi, you might already be aware that its main ingredient is kombu. If you love making your own soups, now is the time to get acquainted with dashi/kombu. Or, you can add a few dashes of dashi to add nutritional value to ready-made soups as well as stews and casseroles. Fresh kombu can be added to salads and reconstituted kombu can be paired with cooked vegetables.

If you want to know more benefits of eating seaweed, please take a look here Why You Should Consider Eating Seaweed ... @Neecey

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