7 Desserts You Can Make with Marshmallow Peeps ...

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Instead of munching on marshmallow peeps straight out of the packaging or blowing them up in your microwave, you can create a cute dessert with them. That way, you won't get tired of the way that they taste. Here are a few different desserts you can make with marshmallow peeps that look as good as they taste:

1 Marshmallow Peep Cookie Bars

This is a super easy recipe that anyone can handle. All you have to do is create cookie dough, place it in a pan, cook it, and then wait for it to cool. Once it does, you can melt white chocolate chips and mix it with sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract. Pour that evenly over the top of your cooked dough and then add your peeps on top of it.

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2 Fluffernutter Sandwich Recipe

If you're looking for something special to eat for lunch, here's a recipe you should follow. All you have to do is spread some peanut butter onto a slice of white bread, place a few Peeps on top, and place another slice of bread on top. Then put it in the microwave for ten to twenty seconds so that the marshmallow melts.

3 Peeps Infused Vodka

If you're old enough and responsible enough to drink, then you can create this alcoholic beverage. All you have to do is throw a few peeps into a container, pour vodka over them, and stir until the color coating of the marshmallows are dissolved. After that, you should wait two or three days, until the actual Peeps are dissolved. Then you can strain the marshmallow pieces out of the liquid and take a drink!

4 Easter Cake with Peeps

If you're having a huge get-together with your family for Easter, then you should create an entire cake. You're going to make a batch of vanilla buttercream, cake batter in varying colors, M&Ms, and plenty of Peeps! After you create the colorful cake, you can icing the cake and attach the Peeps to the side of it for decoration!

5 Rice Krispie Treat Peeps

For this recipe, you're going to grab as many Peeps as you can. Put them into a pan with three tablespoons of butter, so that they don't stick. After your Peeps melt, then you can pour in the rice cereal to create your Rice Krispie Treats. When you're done, then you're going to have a colorful dessert that tastes delicious!


Once your Peeps have transformed into a gooey mixture, gently fold in the crispy rice cereal, taking care not to crush the airy texture that makes these treats so delightful. The Peeps' vibrant hues will streak through the mix, creating a kaleidoscope of color with every square you press into the pan. Allow the treats to cool before slicing them into perfect portions. Serve these to the kiddos or keep them all for yourself; either way, they're sure to put a spring in your step this festive season!

6 Bird Nest Treats

For this recipe, you're going to need butter, marshmallows, noodles, Peeps, and Robin Egg candies. When you're all finished, you're going to have a cute little Peep sitting in its nest along with a bunch of eggs. It's the perfect way to celebrate the season!


Bird Nest Treats are not just adorable but a total hit among kids and adults alike, blending the fun of Easter with the joy of crafting something sweet and yummy. Melt the butter in a large pot, throw in the marshmallows until they're gooey, then mix in the noodles for that nest-like texture. Let the nests cool a bit before you place your colorful Peeps in the center, surrounded by the speckled Robin Eggs. It’s a playful dessert that doubles as a charming centerpiece for your Easter table. Plus, they're just as delightful to eat as they are to look at!

7 Chocolate Covered Peeps

This is about the easiest recipe that you could ever follow. All you're going to do is melt some chocolate and dip your Peep down into the chocolate until half of it is covered. Then you're going to throw it in the refrigerator for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, you can wrap them up and toss them into your family's Easter baskets!

If you love the taste of Peeps, then you have to try these fun recipes! What other desserts have you made with marshmallow peeps?

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