Do you need some ways to get more fruit in your diet? I love most fruit, but I'm very lazy about eating it, and that just won't do! The vitamins and fiber in fruit are a very important point of our diet, so I'm aware that I need to eat more fruit regularly. So if you're like me, try these ways to get more fruit in your diet …
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1. Juices & Smoothies
One of the best ways to get more fruit in your diet is with juices and smoothies. If you buy the commercial version, always pick 100% pure juice (fruit drinks are concentrate and water, and are not going to give you the nutrition of pure juice). Use your blender to make your own smoothies - try different combinations of fruit for extra interest.
2. With Breakfast
Fruit can also be easily added to your breakfast cereal. The healthiest option is to chop up some fresh fruit with oatmeal or porridge. Sugary cereals are not at all healthy, and adding fruit would overload your sugar levels! Or have a piece of fresh fruit with your toast.
3. Dessert
Fruit makes an ideal healthy dessert, so try to include at least one piece in your meal every day. Have it fresh, or use it in cooking. You can make pies, flans, stewed fruit, have it with yoghurt, bake fruit in the oven or make a simple fruit salad. There are so many ways to cook with fruit that you won't be short of ideas for getting your fruit fix-
4. Fruit Salad
I find that making a huge fruit salad is an excellent way of ensuring I eat fruit every day. Although there is a lot of chopping and preparation involved initially, it's then easy to go to the fridge and take a helping of fruit salad. Chop the fruit into evenly-sized pieces and cover with apple juice. This helps to stop the fruit going brown, and it will keep for several days.
5. Snack
Do you tend to snack on chocolate during your work breaks? Switch to fruit instead. It's just as easy to eat an apple or banana as it is to unwrap a chocolate bar. Choose fruit that won't get squashed in your bag on the journey to work. If you tend to snack when you're at home, leave the cookie jar alone and eat fruit instead.
6. Variety
If you don't eat enough fruit because you find it boring, it may be that you're just tired of the same old fruit. Many stores carry a variety of fruit from around the world, so be adventurous and pick up something different. Jazz up a fruit salad by mixing more familiar fruit like apples and grapes with a pomegranate or sharon fruit.
7. Dried Fruit
Finally, try increasing your intake of dried fruit. As well as the more usual dried banana and raisins, you can find more exotic fruits such as dried papaya. This can also be a good way of consuming fruit that you're not fond of, as you may find that you prefer the dried version. I love dried bananas, but I'm not fond of them fresh.
Including more fruit in your diet is a must if you want to look and feel healthy. Fortunately there are lots of ways to sneak in more fruit - using it in baking and desserts is a handy tip for persuading fruit-averse kids to eat more. So make an effort to eat more fruit. What do you need to improve about your diet?
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