9 Foods Rich in Biotin for Your Hair and Nails ...


Foods rich in biotin are the best “foods” for your hair and nails that you can eat. These foods are also usually high in protein and healthy fats, which are essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails. No matter if you’re vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore, there are foods on this list that fit any dietary preference. Biotin is a B vitamin needed for necessary collagen production, which helps to build and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Without it you may notice breakage, dryness, acne, split ends, or slow growth. The good news is, all you need to do is eat the right foods. So what are you waiting for? Eat your way to beauty with these foods below!

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Salmon This superfood seafood is one of the most powerful foods rich in biotin, omega 3 fats, and protein. All of these nutrients build collagen in the body and promote a healthy glow. Choose wild Alaskan sources whenever possible.



Almonds Almonds are packed with biotin and other nutrients, such as protein and even Vitamin E, which helps to keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free. Almonds are also a great source of monounsaturated fats that help enhance your hair, skin, and nails even further.



Tuna Tuna is often avoided due to mercury content, but if you choose the right source, it doesn't have to be dangerous to eat. Choose chunk light tuna if you're concerned with mercury, which is safer than eating albacore or steak tuna. Don’t avoid this healthy fish though- it’s a great source of biotin, selenium, protein, and Vitamin B12, which are all excellent for your hair and nails.



Eggs The humble egg is brimming with nutrients for your hair and nails, including biotin, zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B12. It’s also a good source of protein and an inexpensive beauty investment! If you're concerned with buying conventional eggs (as you should be), stick to organic or pastured varieties, which are usually grass-fed and treated more humanely.



Yogurt Yogurt’s high biotin and protein contents make it one of the best sources you can eat for your hair and nails. Choose plain Greek varieties to avoid excess sugar, which actually breaks down collagen in the body.

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Chicken Chicken is high in both biotin and niacin (Vitamin B3), which are incredible for healthy hair and nail growth. Just be sure to choose organic and antibiotic free chicken for the healthiest option.



Spinach If you’re a vegan and not into nuts, there’s no need to worry! Spinach is the best leafy green when it comes to biotin and protein content. Plus, it's absolutely scrumptious, making it easy to enjoy. Kale is a runner-up in protein, but spinach still wins out on biotin, not to mention Vitamin E and the B vitamin folate.



Walnuts Walnuts are another wonderful beauty food to nosh on for your hair and nails. Not only are they packed with biotin, but they are also the only nut to contain omega 3 fatty acids. They keep you lovely, and happy too!



Halibut Halibut is a flaky white fish that's absolutely amazing and very easy to prepare. It's a bit pricey, so save it for a beauty food splurge if needed! Like salmon, it's very high in omega 3s, biotin, magnesium, and Vitamin B12.

Just in case you happen to hate all of these options, you can take a biotin supplement if you need to. Look for anything with 5,000 mcg or higher for the best effects possible. Like all B vitamins, you can't overdose on biotin, so start out small and progress if you need to without worry. Do you eat any of these foods rich in biotin?

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🙌🙌 Thanks..

I was pleasantly pleased that I eat 8 out of 9 foods on a regular basis:)

this makes me happy. I like all, and 8 out of 9 on a reg basis.

Thanks for including the vegan bit :)

Love these!

The Eggs picture looks sooooooooo good...


Yap love it

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