9 Fruits and Vegetables to Eat This Winter ...


9 Fruits and Vegetables to Eat This Winter ...
9 Fruits and Vegetables to Eat This Winter ...

Winter is coming but that doesn't mean you should forget to pack your meals with yummy fruits and vegetables to eat! You already know about the whole family of winter squash, but there are so many new things to try. Keep your meals healthy and nutritious, while also being delicious! Here are 9 fruits and vegetables to eat this winter.

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1. Kale

Kale Kale is among the list of best fruits and vegetables to eat. Kale usually has a bitter taste, but it actually gets sweeter in colder weather! It is perfect to eat this time of year. Not only is this a super food, jam-packed with vitamins K, A, and C, and calcium, but it is high in fiber and iron. Kale is great served raw, steamed, boiled, or sautéed. Next time you’re in the produce section, pick up a bunch of kale and test it out!

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes Not only are sweet potatoes yummy in desserts, but by themselves are a highly nutritious food! On top of Vitamins B6 and C, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin D and iron which are crucial for boosting your immune system. Now you can sneak an extra slice of that delicious homemade sweet potato pie to ward off the sniffles! Want another great reason to eat sweet potatoes this winter? They are a good source of magnesium, an anti-stress mineral, to help relax you during what can be a hectic holiday time!

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3. Beets

Beets Beets are chock-full of essential vitamins and nutrients, like vitamins A, B, C, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous, just to name a few! They can help repair damaged arteries and decrease your risk of heart disease, as well as cleanse the liver and the body. Beets are best eaten raw since cooking them decreases their nutrients. Try juicing them and make beet lemonade. On top of reducing blood pressure, it’s simply an amazing drink!

4. Persimmon

Persimmon Persimmons are a sweet fruit with a mushy texture. High in vitamin C and antioxidants, this wonderful fruit can help control diabetes and prevent heart disease. Persimmons can be eaten raw, in salads, and baked in desserts in baked goods. The taste is sometimes related to plums. They may not appear in all supermarkets, so try finding them at a local farmer's market.

5. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts are loaded with potassium, calcium, and Vitamins A and C, which are two cancer-fighting vitamins. They are like Barbie-sized cabbages, and delicious when roasted, stir-fried or steamed. Steaming is best, but whichever way you choose, be careful not to overcook them. Brussels sprouts will lose some of their Vitamin C power and get a tad smelly in the kitchen! Because of their high fiber content, in can help lower your cholesterol and fill you up faster!

6. Cabbage

Cabbage Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. It's anti-inflammatory properties makes for a great remedy for reducing swelling, alleviating headaches, and calming ulcers. Cabbage can be served raw in salads or cooking in soups. Next time you're at the market, grab a head of cabbage and make some soup for the cold winter weather!

7. Leeks

Leeks Leeks provide a high dose of vitamin K and A to help protect your blood vessels against free radicals aka cancer-forming cells. Leeks are great in protecting against all kinds of heart disease, and can even aid in weight loss because of their low caloric value. Because of the B-vitamin, folate, leeks are even good during pregnancy because folate is key to preventing birth defects. An all over wonder, add leeks into soups, salads and omelets for an extra dose of nutritious goodness!

8. Guava

Guava Guavas are a delicious ways of taking in a high dose lycopene, an antioxidant that helps prevent prostate cancer and heart disease. One cup packs in more potassium than a banana and are super high in fiber! Guavas are sweet, and get sweeter to more you eat into the center. Eat the whole thing, from rind to seeds! I don’t tend to see guavas in many supermarkets, and I’m lucky enough to have a guava tree in my backyard. However, you can find guavas in Latin grocery stores or even higher-end supermarkets.

9. Pomegranate

Pomegranate Pomegranate is another cancer fighting fruit that helps your heart. The arils, or the individual tart fruits inside, can be eaten with seed and all! This fruit can stain your clothes, so be careful when eating them. They can even help with memory enhancement and mental cognition. While pomegranate juice is very popular, eating the fruit packs a more powerful punch. Pick of few up next time you’re at the supermarket!

If you're not already eating these fruits and veggies, I suggest you start! They are so beneficial and so delicious. No need to slack off on your healthy eating just because winter rolls around. Which one of these fruits and veggies are you going to try out now? What are you favorite winter foods to eat? Share with us your ideas in the comments so I can start trying out your favorites, too!

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Guava juice is AMAZINGGG!!!!