Gwyneth Paltrow's Super Healthy Soup Recipe ...


Gwyneth Paltrow is the curator for, a lifestyle publication with recipes and travel notes. She's one of the most beautiful women in the world, so it makes sense to follow her healthy eating tips. Here's the recipe for one of her favorite meals, Broccoli and Arugula Soup:

Not only is the recipe healthy, but it's super simple! Would you try eating something like this?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I don't know anything about her recipes or her singing, instead I know about Shakespeare in Love, Sliding Doors, and Emma, probably that's because I am from another country...

Peony Blue, I found it online, if you want it, you can watch it online.

Tim McGraw is kinda hot gwyneth no and her soup looks yikes! Hehehe

He sing amazingly and is Hot

I actually think the soup looks good..gonna make it tomorrow and see..loved her movie Sliding Doors.

@ritchie v sliding doors is about a woman who lives in London where her life turns into a parallel moment when she misses her train on the underground. This makes her late for work so she goes home instead and finds her boyfriend with another woman but u can get it on dvd if you are interested! It was a fun movie .

I don't see the fascination with this woman, she's more famous for her veggie boring ass lifestyle than her movies

Gwyneth is so talented and beautiful. Did you lnow she sung a song with Tim Mcgraw?

And Burn it to DVD so you can watch it on your Television or Computer.

Whats sliding doors about?