Health Benefits of Tea for Girls Looking to Better Their Bodies ...


Health Benefits of Tea for Girls Looking to Better Their Bodies  ...
Health Benefits of Tea for Girls Looking to Better Their Bodies  ...

The health benefits of tea can't be disputed. You hear about them all the time. Tea is packed with antioxidants, which makes it a great choice for helping protect your health and prevent a wide range of health problems. If you're wondering why you should drink tea, these are all the best reasons to brew yourself a mug right now.

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Green Tea

• Contains antioxidants
• Improves brain function
• Lowers the risk of cancer
• Increases fat burning
• Improves dental health


Black Tea

• Low on the caffeine for those who are trying wean themselves
• Contains flavonoids
• Fights bacteria and strengthens the immune system
• Balances cholesterol levels
• Helps moisturize the skin


Mint Tea

• Improves digestion
• Helps with weight loss and boosts immunity
• Relieves pain
• Increases overall health
• Reduces a fever


Jasmine Tea

• The scent alone will put your mind at ease
• Promotes wellbeing and calm
• Reminds you of the first day of spring
• Relieves stress
• Reduces arthritis pain


Ginger Tea

• Great for when you have a cold, especially during the winter
• Relieves a sore throat
• Works on a stuffy nose
• Excellent on headaches
• Best thing for a hangover

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