15 Healthy Foods to Have in Your Fridge at All Times if You're Dieting ...

By Heather4 Comments

Next time you hit the supermarket for healthy foods, consider putting some of my top healthy foods to have in your fridge right into your cart. Remember, the healthier your fridge is, the healthier you can be! To get you started on the right track, I'd like to share with you my top 15 ingredients to have in your fridge. Oh, and don’t forget to let me know what you keep in your fridge to stay healthy too! I'm always looking for new healthy foods to love!

1 Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are powerhouses of nutrition, and some of the best foods to have in your fridge if you’re trying to eat healthier. Choose spinach, kale, romaine, chard, collards, and arugula, which will help bulk up your meals, along with stabilize your blood sugar.

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2 Red Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers are one of my favorite snacks since they are naturally sweet and have over 100% of your daily Vitamin C content requirements in just one fruit. Choose organic when you can, and cut them intro strips for snacks, use them in salads, or in soups and omelets.

3 Lemons

I use lemons for everything, and you should too! I juice with them, use them in tea, and on salads for a natural dressing. Citrus fruits burn fat in your body and increase your metabolism, while being mostly sugar-free.

4 Ginger

Ginger root boosts your metabolism, lowers inflammation, curbs your blood sugar, and enhances digestion. I slice it with a veggie peeler and put it in tea, soups, and I juice with it. If you don't already, you will love it!

5 Organic Nonfat Yogurt

Organic nonfat yogurt is high in protein, calcium, and Vitamin B12. It also burns fat, builds muscle, and enhances digestion. Choose unsweetened plain for the best option and add some stevia or cinnamon to sweeten.

6 Unsweetened Almond Milk

Unsweetened almond milk is rich in calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, magnesium, potassium, and low in calories. I like Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk because it contains no additives like carrageenan, MSG, gluten, or sugar.

7 Hemp Protein Powder

I love raw hemp protein by Manitoba Harvest, and it's one of my top protein sources. Raw hemp protein is made from only cold-milled raw hemp seeds and it's rich in all essential amino acids, fiber, iron, and magnesium.

8 Chia Seeds

These itty bitty seeds are wonderful for thickening everything from smoothies to oatmeal. Rich in B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium, chia seeds help fill you up on fewer calories and are a good source of protein and fiber.

9 Raw Chocolate

We all need some chocolate in our life to keep us sane, smiling, and skinny, ladies! Lucky for you, it's fair game for your fridge. Raw and dark chocolate varieties lower your appetite, boost your metabolism, and enhance your mood. .

10 Carrots

Carrots are the best sweet veggie that you can eat! They’re high in fiber, Vitamin A, magnesium, and Vitamin C. Just ½ a cup fills you up and quells your sugar cravings quickly. Put the chips away and pick up some carrots!

11 Mustard

Mustard is calorie-free, making it every dieter’s dream condiment. It also promotes fat-burning and cures sugar cravings, believe it or not. I mix it with lemon juice and flax oil for a healthy dressing and use it to flavor soups.

12 Celery

Celery is not just rabbit food anymore, ladies! Rich in Vitamin K, natural sodium, and potassium, celery reduces stress, aids in detox, and in weight loss. Choose organic when you can to avoid nasty pesticides.

13 Prepared Snacks and Meals

Always keep a few prepared healthy meals and snacks in your fridge. These will come in handy for those rushed mornings or long days at work. Prepare a few of your favorites so you have them at all times in a pinch!

14 Superfoods

I’ll admit, I’m a little obsessed with superfoods, but I adore how much they’ve enhanced my health. They increase your overall nutrient intake, curb cravings, speed up your metabolism, and make your smoothies taste incredible!

15 Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are rich omega 3 fats and they help keep your skin clear, which are reason enough to eat them. They also keep you full, boost metabolism, and even ensure regularity to keep your belly flat. Can't beat that, right?

I hope this gives you a good running start of foods to keep in your fridge for the best dieting success! These are by no means all the foods I have in my fridge, but are some of my favorites I just had to share with you. So what about you? What are your top fridge foods?

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