How to Stop the Snack Attack in Its Tracks You Need to do Any of These Things Instead ...


Are you guilty of mindless eating? It's so easy when you're bored or simply doing something that requires little concentration (like watching TV) to reach for a snack. There are many reasons for reaching for something that tastes yummy but isn't very good for your body, and all of us have different triggers. Mostly though, the result is the same - guilt, regret and potentially, weight gain. The next time you're tempted to reach for the bag of chips or a candy bar, do any of these things instead:

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1. Give Yourself a Manicure/paint Your Nails

Give Yourself a Manicure/paint Your Nails

2. Brush Your Teeth

Brush Your Teeth

Frequently asked questions

3. Balance Your Checkbook

Balance Your Checkbook

4. Clean out a Junk Drawer

Clean out a Junk Drawer

5. Do a Few Exercises

Do a Few Exercises

6. Sip a Glass of Water

Sip a Glass of Water

7. Wash the Car

Wash the Car

8. Chew Some Gum

Chew Some Gum

9. Play a Game of Patience

Play a Game of Patience

10. Do a Craft

Do a Craft

11. Use a Comparison Site to save Money on Utilities/cable/cell/insurance ... Whatever

Use a Comparison Site to save Money on Utilities/cable/cell/insurance ... Whatever

12. Go for a Walk

Go for a Walk

13. Have a Bath

Have a Bath

14. Have a Facial

Have a Facial

15. Plan a Trip

Plan a Trip

16. Rearrange the Furniture

Rearrange the Furniture

17. Phone a Friend

Phone a Friend

18. Read a Book

Read a Book

19. Tidy up Your Closet

Tidy up Your Closet

20. Organize Your Photos

Organize Your Photos

21. Write in Your Journal

Write in Your Journal

22. Practice Deep Breathing

Practice Deep Breathing

23. Write/update Your to-do List

Write/update Your to-do List

24. Chop Veggies for a Healthy Snack Next Time

Chop Veggies for a Healthy Snack Next Time

25. Try a New Hairstyle

Try a New Hairstyle

26. Watch an Inspiration TED Talk

Watch an Inspiration TED Talk

27. Do Some Yard Work

Do Some Yard Work

28. Fold Laundry

Fold Laundry

29. Have an Early Night

Have an Early Night

30. Make out

Make out

31. Rock out to Your Fave Tunes

Rock out to Your Fave Tunes

32. Write out Your Top 10 Reasons to Get Active

Write out Your Top 10 Reasons to Get Active

33. Tidy up Your IPhone

Tidy up Your IPhone

34. Plan Your Meals for a Week

Plan Your Meals for a Week

35. Write Your Holiday Gift Shopping List

Write Your Holiday Gift Shopping List

36. Do Housework

Do Housework

37. Watch Cute Animal YouTube Videos

Watch Cute Animal YouTube Videos

38. Do a Jigsaw

Do a Jigsaw

39. Browse for Outfit Inspiration

Browse for Outfit Inspiration

40. Update/create Your Bucket List

Update/create Your Bucket List

41. Meditate


42. Photoshop Your Photos

Photoshop Your Photos

43. Write a Letter

Write a Letter

44. Create a New Playlist for Your Next Workout

Create a New Playlist for Your Next Workout

45. Enter a Competition

Enter a Competition

46. Catch up with Your Mom on Skype

Catch up with Your Mom on Skype

47. Work on Your Budget

Work on Your Budget

48. Create a Date Night Jar

Create a Date Night Jar

49. Write out Positive Affirmations

Write out Positive Affirmations

50. Read AWS

Read AWS

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Wash your car 🚗

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Excellent tips but... Caution re No 5 in case one compulsion is replaced with another.

Cool tips

Paint your toes, floss, plan out this months budget

Wash my car.)

I'd include knitting or crochet a project for spring/winter, even accessories!

amazing will try xx