9 Ingredients to Choose to Improve the Taste of Green Juice ...

By Heather2 Comments

There are some terrific ingredients to improve the taste of green juice if you’re having a hard time jumping on the juice wagon! Juicing is so great for your skin, immune system, weight, and digestion. Many vegetables, fruits, and greens may be healthy to juice, but for newbies they just don’t taste the best. Many vegetables can have bitter compounds that more advanced juicers may like, while others are just not too palate-friendly in general. For example, onions are great for you, but that doesn’t mean you want to juice them! Instead of turning away green juice altogether, just use a few of these other ingredients to improve the taste of green juice. Cheers!

1 Cucumbers

CucumbersCucumbers are one of the top ingredients to choose to improve the taste of green juice. They give a slightly sweet, hydrating taste that makes a great base for juice recipes. Do choose organic though, since conventional cucumbers are high in pesticides.

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2 Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce gives your juice another hydrating, slightly sweet taste and a delectable flavor! Plus, did you know romaine lettuce is high in omega 3s, protein, and Vitamin C? Just another reason to drink up more of this delicious green!

3 Lemons

You can easily improve the taste of your green juice just by adding a lemon. Despite their sour taste, lemons give green juice a very sweet taste with almost no sugar at all. Easy, peasy, and delicious!

4 Limes

Consider limes just like lemons- they take your green juice up just a notch with absolutely no sugar. Plus, limes are very detoxifying to the liver, just like lemons, and are a great source of Vitamin C.

5 Carrots

You’ll want to be careful with how many carrots you juice since they are very high in sugar, but adding one or two is a great way to improve the taste of your green juice. Plus, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which can brighten your skin, and they’re a top source of Vitamin C.

6 Fennel

This ingredient might surprise you, but fennel is a very sweet vegetable that is delicious in juice! It gives a hydrating, sweet taste that can also benefit your digestion to eliminate gas, bloating, and constipation. Fennel is also a top source of Vitamin C, making it great for your immune system.

7 Zucchini

Zucchinis are excellent to juice with! They contain Vitamin C, chlorophyll, and potassium. They taste slightly sweet, and make a great juice base, just like cucumbers do.

8 Tomatoes

Tomatoes are low-sugar fruits that are also high in Vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene. They give your juice a sweet, earthy taste and are the perfect way to make your own V-8!

9 Apples

If you’re new to juicing, definitely use a bit of apple in your juice. Apples are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants that will also give your juice a delightful flavor. If you’re concerned with the sugar content go with green apples, which are lower in sugar than red apples.

Next time you go to the market, pick up a few of these ingredients to make your green juice taste better. Items like celery, Swiss chard, dandelion greens, ginger, and lettuces are all great options too. If you juice, what’s your favorite ingredient to improve the taste of green juice?

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