7 Kinds of Greens to Get in Your Diet Today to Keep You Lovely and Lean ...

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7 Kinds of Greens to Get in Your Diet Today to Keep You Lovely and Lean ...

Ladies, if you haven’t heard by now, greens are your waistline’s best friend, but certain kinds of greens are better than others for a few reasons. Sure, anything green is good for you. I won’t argue with that, but take a look what the following kinds of greens can offer you. It’s like getting an additional bonus with an already amazing food group. Greens are high in magnesium, which is a mineral most of us are short in. It helps regulate our blood sugar, combat anxiety, sugar cravings, and enhances our nervous system function. Greens should be your go-to food for health, beauty and maintaining or losing weight. I suggest buying all your greens organic whenever you can, since all greens are a top source of pesticides in conventional form. This not only exposes you to toxins that hurt your hormones, brain and organs, but also lowers the nutrient content of your greens.

1 Arugula

This peppery green is one of my favorite kinds of greens because it contains essential bitter compounds that detox the liver and digestive tract. The best part is, it actually has a smooth, pleasant taste unlike other bitter greens such as mustard greens. Arugula is also rich in chlorophyll, Vitamin K, magnesium, fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It has a nice peppery bite that is great with some avocado, black pepper and oregano. I love drizzling lemon juice all over this mixture and adding tomatoes. It satisfies almost every craving I have and makes for a great lunch or dinner.

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2 Kale

Kale is the super green we all know about by now, so it has to be mentioned. Kale is rich in fiber, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, folate, magnesium, chlorophyll and even has some essential fats, believe it or not. Kale is great sauteed in some coconut oil with some herbs and black pepper. I also love it in green smoothies, and enjoy it in a massaged kale salad. Try it for yourself and see!

3 Collards

Collards are great for women. They contain essential nutrients that help prevent excess estrogen in the body that has been linked to cancer. They are also great for your liver, gall bladder and are rich in vitamins A and C, magnesium and iron. They also have a good bit of folate and fiber, all necessary for women’s health. I love collards sauteed in coconut oil on the stove and adding roasted sweet potatoes to them. Yum!

4 Spinach

Spinach is my go-to smoothie green. It’s sweet, rich in protein, and just so creamy! I also love frozen spinach or fresh spinach in a salad too. Spinach is rich in protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folate, magnesium, iron, and is only 20 calories per cup with 3 grams of fiber per cup.

5 Parsley

Parsley is one of the best greens to eat, that is technically classed as an herb. It is high in nutrients that detox the kidneys and liver and also wonderful for the digestive tract and gall bladder. High in vitamins A and C and magnesium, parsley is also one of the richest sources of chlorophyll you can consume. Use it in salads, smoothies, and use the dried version in homemade dressings, entrees, or cooked with veggies.

6 Cilantro

Cilantro is such a tasty green! It is also amazing for you. Consider it and parsley your top two detoxing greens. Cilantro has been proven to rid the body of mercury. It is also rich in chlorophyll, magnesium, vitamins A, C and E, along with a good dose of fiber. I always enjoy it in salsa, on salads, in smoothies and with roasted vegetables. It is also great cooked up in some quinoa as well, which is such a great flavor combination!

7 Romaine

I bet most people wouldn’t think that romaine lettuce has healthy fats, but it’s true! A head of romaine lettuce is actually a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. It is also rich in magnesium, vitamins A, C, E and K, along with protein. I love the sweet taste of romaine and it is my go-to green for most all salads I enjoy.

Greens are high in chromium, which is a mineral that aids in weight loss or maintenance by lowering glucose levels that cause your blood sugar to become off balance. I highly suggest implementing more greens into your day, whether through salads, juices, smoothies or cooked entrees. If you’re having a hard time enjoying them, try them in a green smoothie with some of your favorite protein powder and berries. The point is to keep trying them until you really do love them. I promise, it does happen! What’s your favorite kind of greens to enjoy?

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