Kitchen Hack to save Time and Reduce Food Waste ...

By Leiann

Kitchen Hack to save Time  and Reduce Food Waste ...

Either single or have a big family? Crammed for time? Waste a lot of food? This YouTube video is for all of you. Lydia Senn is one wise lady with a ton of videos. I felt this one was a topic most commonly dealt with.

Lydia Senn
Published on Feb 22, 2018

A good tip is to have adequate storage containers... Strong with lids. You may have to invest in some, but well worth it.

Attempt to buy your groceries for the week, plan your week's worth of meals, and chop on the same day. Making vegetable soup? Have your carrots, green beans and corn together, for example.

Once your meal prep is complete, which should maybe take a half hour to hour, place in the fridge and voila!

One thing she did not mention... Since everything is already chopped, all you need to do is throw the ingredients into the crockpot every morning. Before work, throw in, turn on low, and your dinner is waiting for you.

I know this is not hard, but maybe some of you gals needed a refresher course?

Have a super dinner!

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