7 Low Carb Snacks You Can Stash into Your Purse ...

By Tara2 Comments

Going low carb can help you to lose weight and boost energy, especially when done right. You can lose weight without the energy surges and drops and mood swings. Since diet is mood altering, you should learn how to eat low carb snacks that will curb your appetite without having energy bursts or drops. Don’t believe me? Then try it yourself with these low-carb snacks. Easy to make, many of these are also high in good-for-you nutrients like antioxidants, protein, and fiber.

1 Hummus with Veggies

Hummus with VeggiesA recommended serving size is about one-quarter of a cup, served as a dip with carrots or celery. You can dip whatever sounds good – hummus is very versatile. But to keep this snack low carb, stick to veggies. And need not worry about the carbs because one-quarter cup of hummus has just 8.75 grams of carbs. Pair that with a fiber-packed healthy vegetable like carrot or celery, and you have a low carb snack that even super low carb dieters can enjoy.

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2 Greek Yogurt

Good news for low-carbers: It turns out that most of the lactose in milk and yogurt is in the whey. So for just 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving you can enjoy Greek yogurt. It is easy to strain much of the whey out of yogurt yourself, or buy Greek-style yogurt. I choose the store bought version due to lack of time.

3 Edamame

I always love me some edamame. And for just 95 calories, 4g fat, 8g protein, 8g carbs. Warm a package of shelled edamame according to the instructions on the bag. When the beans are done and have cooled, place half-cup servings into separate ziplock bags. Now add a quarter of a cup of your favorite lightly salted nuts -- almonds, pistachios, cashews or walnuts - for your new favorite snack. Now you are ready to go with your healthy snack to head on the road!

4 Nuts

Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios and More (100 calories, 9g fat, 4g protein, 3g carbs). Grab a handful of healthy fats and toss in a bag for on the go goodness! All nuts are a great source of heart-healthy fats and protein and they are low carb! Almonds are consumed for their vitamin E and walnuts for their omega-3 fatty acids. Pistachios have two vision nourishing nutrients -- lutein and zeaxanthin.

5 Kale Chips

Swap out your unhealthy greasy chips for kale chips. Kale is full of nutrients, and great for digestion and overall health. I'm a kale chip lover because they are that good! But when I'm pressed for time, I just by the store bought version. One cup of fresh kale has 50 calories, 1 g fat, 10 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 3 g protein & 40mg sodium. And the extra bonus is they have no cholesterol or saturated fat.

6 Pickles

As long as you consume in moderation, pickles are a great snack to cure your salt craving and curb your appetite. I love pickles with fresh garlic so they are heart healthy and have so much nutrition as well. Just eat in moderation because pickles are high in sodium.

7 Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are one of the easiest snacks for on the go! Eggs are packed with protein and very low in carbohydrates. And they can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge for when you are on the go. Easy, healthy and power packed to meet your nutritional needs!

So go ahead and pack your healthy low carb snacks for when you are on the go! They can easily fit in your purse and they will help you avoid diet sabotage!

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