7 of the Best Breakfasts You Can Eat if You Want to Lose Weight ...

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7 of the Best Breakfasts You Can Eat if You Want to Lose Weight ...

To lose weight, you need to make sure you start your day on the right foot with clean nutrition. If you start your day with some protein, you will notice some amazing changes in your body as your hunger cues lessen. You will also have mental clarity and just feel better after eating breakfast. But if you are trying to lose weight, what is the right breakfast? Did you know there are foods that can boost your metabolic rate and just make you feel better? Read on so I can share these tips with you. And as a certified trainer and nutritionist, I come with expert experience to guide you to achieve your goals!

1 Scrambled Eggs with Veggies

Debating on breakfast this morning? Well, choose this most important meal and make it right by scrambling some eggs. Add some veggies so you can start your day with adequate nutrition to set the canvas of a great health day. This small choice has big benefits, like feeling less hungry because of the protein in the eggs!

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2 Hard Boiled Eggs

Looking for a simple, drama free breakfast when in a rush? Have some hard boiled eggs. Boil the eggs the night before so the next day it can be easy as can be. Add a dash of salt and pepper for flavor and enjoy this breakfast while starting the day the right way!

3 Egg Whites

If you have high cholesterol and you cannot have the whole egg due to the cholesterol in the yolk, separate and have some egg whites. You can have hard-boiled egg whites or scrambled egg whites to ingest lean protein without cholesterol.

4 Oatmeal

Begin the day with a bowl of oatmeal to ignite your metabolism. Oatmeal is healthy because it is high in fiber, super low in calories and filling. Oatmeal also contains lecithin, a natural fat burner, so you will become a calorie torcher. And if you have steel cut oats, the lecithin is also minimally processed, which is an added bonus. If you want to better your health, this is one superfood you should definitely add into your current meal plan! Because of the effect of oatmeal in keeping you full, studies show that by eating oatmeal earlier in the day, you will graze less throughout the day.

5 Apple with Peanut Butter

If you are not a big breakfast eater and find you really have to push yourself to eat, slice up an apple and dip this into peanut butter. This will give you some natural sugar and protein to stabilize your blood sugar level. This breakfast will also give you pectin, which is a natural fat burner to help you lose weight!

6 Protein Shake

If you are in a rush or on the road with no time to prepare your breakfast tomorrow, have a protein shake. For those on the go still looking to have adequate nutrition, a protein shake is the perfect meal. Whole food is always best but since so few actually have ample daily nutrition, a protein shake will help you to fill the gap. Shakeology is my favorite protein shake, what is yours?


A protein shake can be a powerhouse of nutrition with the right ingredients. Opt for ones with high-quality, low-sugar protein powders and add-ins like spinach, berries, or a tablespoon of nut butter for an extra boost of vitamins and healthy fats. Remember to choose shakes that align with your dietary needs, whether that's low-carb, high-protein, or plant-based. They're not only convenient, but they can also be quite delicious, making it easier to stick to your weight loss goals without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

7 Salad with Chicken

You don't have to be so traditional with your breakfast so go ahead and have a salad. If you want a salad, you do not have to wait for lunch to have this nutrient rich meal. Scoop up those leafy greens with some cut up veggies and enjoy!

With these best breakfast meals for weight loss, which one will you have first? Why not alternate with a different one every day of the week. There are 7, you know? Lose weight and better your life!

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