10 Reasons to Eat More Spinach ...


10 Reasons to Eat More Spinach ...
10 Reasons to Eat More Spinach ...

It’s not everyone’s favorite vegetable, but after reading this you’ll see there are some very good reasons to eat more spinach. Spinach is jam-packed with nutritious ingredients and that’s just one of the healthy reasons to eat more spinach. It’s also pretty versatile – baby leaves are good in salads, it makes for a good side dish, works really well with Indian spices and one of the most-favorite dishes in Greece is Spanakopita, a delicious filo parcel filled with spinach and feta (made in Italy too, but ricotta replaces the feta). Here are some very good reasons to eat more spinach (and not because Popeye says so!)...

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1. Spinach is Highly Nutritious

With one cup of spinach, you have almost 20% of your RDA dietary fiber and the daily amount your body needs of vitamins A and K. In addition, you are also getting Magnesium, Manganese, Foliate, Protein, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Potassium and Selenium. These are certainly compelling reasons to eat more spinach.

2. Spinach is Low in Calories

Spinach is low in calorie content, is great for adding to salads, lovely in quiches, cooked as a side vegetable and even in soup. The value of eating spinach is excellent for both your health, your complexion and for your daily diet.

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3. Spinach Combats High Blood Pressure

Suffering from high blood pressure is another reason to eat more spinach. As spinach has a high content of magnesium, it helps to lower blood pressure within hours of you eating a portion of it, so add more spinach to your diet to help control high blood pressure.

4. Spinach is Good for Your Immune System

Among the many reasons to eat more spinach is that it can help fight diseases. Spinach is good to eat because it strengthens your immune system. The vitamin A content is a key component in maintaining healthy lymphocytes (white blood cells) supporting cell membranes in combating any invasion and fighting infection.

5. Spinach Fights Cancer

There are over a dozen individual flavonoid compounds in spinach that are working as cancer fighting antioxidants. These phytonutrients neutralize the free radicals in the body helping with cancer prevention and slowing down cell division in existing cells. This is another one of the values of eating spinach and a jolly good reason to eat more spinach.

6. Spinach Means Healthy Eyes

Overall, dark leafy vegetables have a content of several essentially important phytochemicals. These include lutein, which helps with the prevention of age related macular degeneration (vision impairment). As spinach is known to have a high content of beta-carotene, it is a great help in reducing the risk of cataracts developing. If you add more spinach to your diet, you are building up natural body defenses against many ailments.

7. Spinach Means Healthy Skin

The vitamin A in spinach promotes beneficial moisture retention in the epidermis serving as an excellent fighter against skin problems such as psoriasis, acne, and wrinkles. It helps with reducing the aging process and keeping the skin soft and supple, and as a wise person who wants healthy skin you should add more spinach to your diet.

8. Spinach is Better than Caffeine

Spinach is good to eat as it can increase energy levels and reduce tiredness. It is full of iron, which is essential for oxygen production. Furthermore, it contains lipoic acid that helps antioxidants like vitamins C and E to regenerate. Lipoic acid is believed to regulate the blood sugar levels, and so prevents fatigue during the day.

9. Spinach Contains anti-inflammatories

Violaxanthin and Neoxanthin are items playing an important role in inflammation regulation and both of them are found in abundance in spinach. Anyone with joint pains will certainly find good reasons to eat more spinach.

10. Spinach Fights Cholesterol

The anti-oxidant of properties of Folate helps to convert stroke-inducing chemicals into harmless compounds, and also prevents the harmful oxidation of cholesterol in the body.

Wash spinach well to remove any grit, which seems to cling to the leaves from the sandy soil in which it grows. It is easy to dry by blotting the leaves with kitchen towel or with a salad spinner. Aren’t they just brilliant reasons to eat more spinach?