11 Restaurants That Have Secret Menus That Are Absolutely Delightful ...

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11 Restaurants That Have Secret Menus That Are Absolutely Delightful ...

I love going to restaurants that have secret menus because let's face it, who doesn't enjoy feeling like they are in on something special? More and more restaurants are trying their hand at having secret menu items, but these 9 restaurants have really perfected it. Now, you can always be in the know! So the next time you find yourself in one of these food joints, try ordering off their secret menus to impress all your friends!

1 In-N-out Burger

In-N-out BurgerIn-N-Out Burger is perhaps the most famous restaurant that has a secret menu. In fact, they started the trend 20 years ago. Their secret menu isn't so secret anymore. You can even read about it on their website now. Ordering your burger "animal style" is the most popular of the "secret" options. What you get along side the standard In-N-Out burger toppings is pickles, a mustard-fried patty, extra spread, and grilled onions. Yum! Other menu items include a 3x3 (three patties with three American cheese slices), protein style (a burger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun), and a Lemon-Up (mixture of 7 Up and lemonade). Go to the In-N-Out Burger website to see the full secret menu.

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2 Starbucks

For an establishment I visit on a daily basis, it took me quite a long time to discover that Starbucks has a secret menu. Let me tell you though, I was sure glad when I did! Some of the drinks on the secret menu are just combinations of existing drinks, but some of them are entirely new creations! One of my all-time favorite "secret" drinks to get is the Nutella. If you love the spread, you'll love the drink. It's a café misto with chocolate syrup, hazelnut syrup, and caramel drizzle. If you love the pumpkin spice latte they offer in the fall, then ask your barista for a Chocolate Pumpkin - a pumpkin spice latte with chocolate syrup. You can find other delicious secret menu items online!

3 Chipotle

Although Chipotle makes burritos that are bigger than your face, they offer an even bigger secret menu item - the Quesarito. This 1500+ calorie burrito is wrapped in a quesadilla. Wow! Talk about a lot of food. I have also heard that you can get nachos that aren't listed on the menu there too. Have you ever tried to eat the Quesarito?

4 Jamba Juice

Jamba Juice has an array of secret menu items that you may not have heard of! Many of them are made to taste just like your favorite candy. You can order a Skittles, White Gummy Bear, Sour Patch Kid, Strawberry Shortcake, among others. Many have speculated why they keep these drinks off the menu. Some think it's because they don't want to lose their reputation as a healthy establishment. Whatever the reason, I can't wait to try out one of these delicious sounding smoothies the next time I go in!

5 Panera Bread

Panera Bread launched its secret menu November of last year. Their goal was to make delicious and healthy food options that are an excellent source of protein with low processed carbs to keep you on the right track of sticking to your New Year's Resolutions. They have secret menu items for both breakfast and lunch & dinner. My favorite is the Power Chicken Hummus Bowl. You can view the secret menu at Panera's website, just make sure to let your cashier know you are ordering off the secret menu the next time you go visit.

6 McDonald's

McDonald's has a website dedicated to their secret menu. One of my favorite things on the list is the MC10:35. It gets its name because you can only order it during the special time between breakfast and lunch (usually between 10:35 and 11:05). During this small window of time, you can order both breakfast and lunch items from McDonald's so its no surprise their secret menu would have a combination of the two meals. What you get is an egg McMuffin with the cheese and patties from a McDouble. It's the perfect brunch on the go! Other menu items include the Land, Sea, and Air Burger (Big Mac, McChicken, and a Filet-O-Fish all in one), the McGang Bang (a McChicken Sandwich in the middle of a Double Cheeseburger), and the McCrepe (a hotcake with yogurt parfait in the middle). Go to their website to see what else is on the secret menu!

7 Burger King

Burger King also offers a handful of secret menu items. The most famous is the Suicide Burger. It's four beer patties, four slices of cheese, bacon, and special sauce. If that sounds too unhealthy for you, you can always try their secret Veggie Whopper where the patty is made from vegetables as opposed to beef. Burger King doesn't advertise their secret menu as much as some restaurants do, but with a little research, you can find all of their secret menu items.

8 Taco Bell

While you might think that Taco Bell has an extensive menu already, there are a few items that you might want to give a try to that you've never seen before! For example, a double grilled quesadilla or an enchirito! Did you know that most of the time, if you request the green sauce, you'll be able to get it too?

9 Arby's

Arby's is one of my fave restaurants, however, did you know that they have a secret menu? Everything from the chicken cordon bleu sandwich all the way to wet fries are available. You can also get the French dip still!

10 Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen is a favorite by most people, but did you know that they have a secret menu that most people don't even know about? Such as the Jack and Jill sundae, that is basically a blueberry sundae with a bit of marshmallow! Or maybe you'd like a lavender blue sundae?

11 Wendy's

Oh, Wendy's, how did I not know that you had a secret menu? You can get everything from a Grand Slam (which is a burger that has up to four meat patties!) all the way to a Barnyard, which is a spicy chicken standard with ham, bacon and beef, which is separated by cheese. How delish!

With the internet, restaurants that have secret menus aren't all that secret anymore. However, it can still make for a fun and special meal. So if you've heard the rumors about these secret menu items, I'm here to tell you that they are in fact true! Go out, order a secret menu item from any of these restaurants, and then tell us about your experience in the comments. Have you already tried a secret menu item from any of these restaurants? If so, tell us about it!

This post was written in collaboration with editor Heather Jensen.

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