Roll up Your Sleeves It's Time to Try the Best Sushi Tutorials on the Internet ...


Sushi is one of my absolute favorite lunches of all time! Are you with me? Eating sushi in a restaurant can really make my day, but it can certainly put a dent in my checkbook. Sushi isn’t cheap, but you can learn to make it at home. Once you get the hang of the technique, it’s really easy to customize your rolls to your exact specifications. That means you can try new and exciting things while also taking control of calorie and nutrient content. Here are the best tutorials you’ll ever find. You are going to be a sushi pro in no time!

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1. How to Make Simple and Delicious Sushi

When you’re just getting started, simple is what you want. This tutorial is great for beginners. This 10 minute video gives you all the tips you need to master the art of preparing and rolling sushi of any type. With over one million views, the chef in this video is sure to turn you into a master in mere minutes.

2. How to Make Hand Formed Sushi

If you’ve ever watched a sushi chef at work, you’ve seen all the special tools they use to get the job done. You don’t necessarily have to have all of those items on hand to make great looking and fabulous tasting sushi. This video gives you step by step directions on how to make hand rolled sushi. You get the perfect end result without having to spend your entire paycheck on materials.

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3. How to Make California Rolls

Are California rolls your favorite? They definitely top my list. If you love them as much as I do, you will be so excited to watch this short tutorial. The chef in the video makes it super easy to prep your materials and get them rolled up just right. Easy sushi that you can eat in your pajamas at home without spending a ton of cash? Sign me up!

4. How to Roll Sushi

If you’re having trouble with the rolling part of making sushi, you must watch this tutorial. Because, honestly, if you can’t roll sushi, it’s really not the same. It can be tricky to get your rolls just right. The rice is sticky and the nori won’t stay in place. Get all your materials together and then use this video to get your rolls as perfect as they’ll ever be. They might even be too pretty to eat.

5. How to Make Shrimp Tempura Rolls

There’s something so perfect about a crispy shrimp tempura roll, isn’t there? But ordering shrimp in a sushi restaurant is not going to come cheap. That’s why you need to watch this video and learn to make it yourself. Not only can you satisfy a craving whenever the mood strikes, but you can impress family and friends with your skills at the same time.

6. How to Make Vegan Sushi

Do you eat a vegan diet? Many of you have chosen this for health or ethical reasons. That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy sushi. Many of the ingredients don’t contain any animal products, which makes them a tasty choice for your meal plans. Use this tutorial to learn how to incorporate your favorite veggies and grains into your sushi rolls. Yum!

7. How to Make Spicy Tuna Rolls

Spicy tuna rolls are one of the most popular ones on restaurant menus. You probably love them, don’t you? Me too! That’s why I have added this tutorial to my must watch list. Making tuna rolls is a skill you are going to love having in your repertoire. Let me know how it goes!

Are you excited to try your hand at making sushi? Which video are you planning to watch first?

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I'd love to try these. I'm a big sushi gal!