10 Scrumptiously Delicious Christmas Canaps for the Holidays ...


10 Scrumptiously Delicious Christmas Canaps for the Holidays ...
10 Scrumptiously Delicious Christmas Canaps for the Holidays ...

Christmas is now just around the corner. As if dealing with a big Thanksgiving dinner wasn’t enough you now have lots of parties and entertaining to think about. Planning is always going to be key to surviving when catering during the holidays whether it’s for just you and your partner or hosts of family and friends. Having some tried and tested recipes for canapés are going to come in extremely useful. When unexpected visitors arrive it’s nice to have something tempting and tasty to offer even if they are just popping in. Canapés are also perfect for a party or just for keeping the family quiet ahead of the main meal event. Here are 10 Scrumptiously Delicious Christmas Canapés for the Holidays.

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1. Smoked Salmon Blinis

Smoked Salmon Blinis In the UK smoked salmon is a major favorite at this time of year and this traditional Christmas canapé is one of the easiest you can make. You can keep the ingredients in the fridge and whip up a quick batch in no time. Perfect for the pop in guest.

Needed: 1 packet of smoked salmon slices, 1 packet of ready-made blinis, 1 pot crème fraiche, bunch of fresh dill

Method: Lay out the blinis, add a small dollop of cream fraiche to each then top with a folded strip of smoked salmon, garnished with a frond of dill.

Alternatives: Crème cheese can be used instead of crème fraiche but it might be a bit rich so thin it down with some natural yoghurt or crème fraiche.

If you want to show off and make your own blinis, here’s a recipe: allrecipes.co.uk

2. Salami, Boursin and Pickle Cones

Salami, Boursin and Pickle Cones The writer of this recipe claims these are the easiest canapé on the planet. It’s a UK recipe but the ingredients are readily available in many countries. Boursin is a French cream cheese flavored with herbs so if Boursin isn’t available just use any flavored cream cheese you like. Here's the recipe: umawylde.com

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3. Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling Potatoes Sometimes on a cold winter’s night a substantial and warming Christmas canapé is what is called for. If you’re serving canapés as a pre-dinner treat these fingerling potatoes may be a bit heavy but included in a canapé menu they offer a substantial nibble. Here's a link to the best recipe I've found: foodnetwork.com

4. Party Popcorn

Party Popcorn Popcorn may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of Christmas canapés, but this delicious recipe from Nigella Lawson is perfect. Put the popcorn in festive colored bowls and leave for people to help themselves. Remember to make a hug batch because people will keep dipping in the bowls for more. Here's a link to Nigella's recipe: foodnetwork.com

5. Cheese Straws

Cheese Straws Don’t think of cheese straws as being a throwback to 70's bake sales. A tasty, flaky cheese straw is a fabulous canapé because it is loved by meat eaters and vegetarians. Plus, if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous you could whip up a variety of dips to accompany them. Experiment with different cheeses and you can also add different finishes such as sesame seeds, poppy seeds or paprika. This failsafe recipe is from Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa: foodnetwork.com

6. Mini Crab Cakes

Mini Crab Cakes Crab cakes have been trendy for a long time now and if you make them small enough for a bite or two they make the perfect Christmas canapé. Having a tangy sweet chili dipping sauce makes them even more delicious. Most recipes for crab cakes involve frying but to avoid slaving over a hot stove when you could be spending your time more productively, I have found a recipe that bakes them in mini muffin tins. (If you can’t get panko, use fresh breadcrumbs.) More details here: epicurious.com

7. Mini Stuffed Peppers

Mini Stuffed Peppers This recipe from Giarda de Laurentis can be adapted for vegetarians – just leave out the pancetta. The gorgeous jewel colors of the peppers are perfect for holiday entertaining and they’re delicious to boot! Find the recipe here: foodnetwork.com

8. Prawns in Bacon

Prawns in Bacon Pigs in blankets have been updated to seafood! What could be more delicious than a luscious juicy prawn suffused with the tang of crispy bacon? Just where would the world be without bacon? These are quick and easy but the results belie the small amount of effort involved. Leave the tail shell on as it makes a handy bit to hold on to as your teeth sink in to a morsel of gorgeousness. Here's my favorite recipe: foodiesite.com

9. Mini Lamb Koftas

Mini Lamb Koftas Christmas canapés should be visually enticing and a taste explosion. Madhur Jaffrey was the first Indian TV chef and her recipes have endured through the decades. This is a tried and tested recipe used throughout India for centuries but sticking small balls of it on cocktail sticks makes the perfect canapé. Make sure there is enough spice for it tingle on the tongue but serve it with a cooling yoghurt and mint raita. Kofta recipe - uktv.co.uk Raita recipe - foodnetwork.com

10. Christmas Truffles

Christmas Truffles What better than to round off a tasty selection of Christmas canapés than a sweet bite. There are thousands of recipes for chocolate truffles but I have a found a nice easy one with a pictorial tutorial so there’s no excuse for the novice chocolatier to think they are too much hassle. Here's a link to my favorite chocolate truffles: azeliaskitchen.net

There you have it; my selection of Scrumptiously Delicious Christmas Canapés for the Holidays. Don’t spend a lot of time fiddling around with complicated recipes. It’s easy to combine simple ingredients to give an explosion of taste. Have fun, make them look attractive and half the battle is won. Of course you could cheat and buy them all! If you have a favorite Christmas canapé, please do share the recipe.