Easy Peasy Starbucks Hacks to Help You save Money on Your Coffee Addiction ...

Holly Jan 19, 2021

Easy Peasy Starbucks Hacks to Help You save Money on Your Coffee Addiction ...
Easy Peasy Starbucks Hacks to Help You save Money on Your Coffee Addiction ...

If you visit Starbucks on the regular, you'll save plenty of money once you learn the tricks of the trade. Cosmopolitan has created a list of hacks that can help you save hundreds of dollars a year on coffee. If you're obsessed with Starbucks, then you have to hear their advice.

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1. Use a Starbucks Reusable Cup

Use a Starbucks Reusable Cup It'll save you 10 cents, which can really add up.

2. Order Water in a Tall, Grande, or Venti Cup for Free

Order Water in a Tall, Grande, or Venti Cup for Free This is a way better deal than paying for bottled water.

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3. Split a Venti with Your Friend, and Enjoy a Tall Drink for Less Money

Split a Venti with Your Friend, and Enjoy a Tall Drink for Less Money This is proof that Starbucks is always better when you bring your pals.

4. Ask for Ice on the Side to Leave More Room for Coffee in Your Cup

Ask for Ice on the Side to Leave More Room for Coffee in Your Cup If you're buying an iced coffee, ask for your ice on the side.

5. Ask for Your Tall Order to Be Poured in a Grande Cup

Ask for Your Tall Order to Be Poured in a Grande Cup

6. Create Your Own Latte for the Price of Espresso

Create Your Own Latte for the Price of Espresso Doesn't this seem like an amazing deal?

7. ​​Order a Short Cappuccino Instead of a Tall

​​Order a Short Cappuccino Instead of a Tall It has the same amount of caffeine in it, but it costs less money.

8. Order Your Iced Tea Beverage without Water

Order Your Iced Tea Beverage without Water The less water, the more tea you'll actually get.

9. Join the Starbucks Rewards Program

Join the Starbucks Rewards Program Then you'll get a free drink or snack after every 12 drinks. If you're a regular at Starbucks, then it'll pay off.

What other Starbucks hacks do you know?

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You can get water in Trenta too. And it's not tap water. It's filtered.

Did you mean yea without ice? My pictures ain't show up because wifi is slow here so I can't see the picture to understand.

I don't do Starbucks any more. Rather part with my cash at a local coffee establishment.

Is this a free advertisement?

Oh, I get it. But ordering tea without ice is a good hack too.

Makes Starbucks seem like a rip off


Nice hacks thanks

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