The 21 Best Foods to Eat before a Big Test ...

By Holly6 Comments

If you want to do well on an exam, you need to eat well before you head to class. That way, you'll be awake and alert, so you won't have too much trouble concentrating on your work. If you have a big test coming up, here are some of the best foods to eat before it:

1 Scrambled Eggs

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2 Oatmeal with Berries

3 Breakfast Burrito with Beans

4 Protein Smoothie

5 Protein Pancakes

6 Yogurt-fruit-granola Parfait

7 Whole Wheat Toast with Jam

8 Plain Fruit

9 Yogurt

10 Whole Grain Cereal with Low Fat Milk

11 Porridge

12 Sugar Free Muesli

13 Dried Fruit Nuggets

14 Salmon

15 Sardines

16 Walnuts

17 Cashews

18 Steak and Eggs

19 Buttermilk Biscuits

20 Brown Rice Cakes

21 Black Coffee

These foods are delicious, so there's no reason to eat anything else before a big test! What foods do you usually eat before you head to school?

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