The Best Foods to Fill You up for Girls Looking to Slim down and Eat Less ...


The Best Foods to Fill You up for Girls Looking to Slim down and Eat Less ...
The Best Foods to Fill You up for Girls Looking to Slim down and Eat Less ...

At its most very basic level, food is just fuel that we need to ingest in order for our bodies to work properly. Of course, some foods are better at doing this than others, and some foods might be delicious but not fill you up at all, therefore resulting in overeating! Overeating is one of the biggest problems facing humans and their food these days, so to try to buck that trend yourself, here are some of the best foods to fill you up with a sensible portion.

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1. Salmon

vegetable, dish, food, vegetarian food, side dish, Salmon is the perfect example of a food this is rich in protein but low in bad fats and carbohydrates, and these things combined make the ideal food that will fill you up and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Protein is the thing that helps our brains recognise the hormone leptin, which is the hormone responsible for making us feel full and providing our bodies with lots of energy.

2. Avocado

dish, food, vegetable, vegetarian food, cuisine, It’s not just the hipster food of choice, it’s the nutritionist’s choice too! Avocado is a good example of a food that is rich in fibre and and therefore helps to slow down the digestive process, leaving you feeling fuller for much longer. High fibre foods can also help to lower your cholesterol and improve your blood sugar, so it’s positives all round.

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3. Nuts

food, mixed nuts, nuts & seeds, nut, dried fruit, If you feel the need to snack, then there is nothing better than a handful of nuts to do the trick. Nuts are packed full of omega 3 fatty acids, which help to release signals in the body to tell your brain that you have eaten enough in good time, which prevents overeating. If you want a specific nut recommendation, then you can’t go wrong with pistachios.

4. Watermelon

food, meal, brunch, watermelon, breakfast, As the name suggests, watermelon is a delicious fruit that is almost entirely water-based, which makes it a great food for filling up because you can eat a lot to satisfy your hunger whilst consuming hardly any calories at all. It’s the perfect food to address your cravings with the reassurance that indulging in a slice or two isn’t going to hurt you in terms of calorie count.