Even if you can stomach the hottest curry or chili, it’s good to know the things to eat after spicy food. I like medium hot but sometimes, that after burn just builds and builds and takes away some of the joy of the spicy flavor. If you’ve got curry or chili on your menu, have some of the things to eat after spicy food on hand too.
When it comes to spicy food, it can be hard to get the balance right. Too much heat can be overwhelming and leave your mouth burning. Fortunately, there are several foods that can help to cool your mouth down after a spicy meal.
Avocado pears and bananas are great for cooling down your mouth after a spicy meal. The creamy texture and flavor of these fruits help to balance the burn. They can also be used to make a cooling dip that pairs well with spicy food.
Yogurt is another great option for cooling down after a spicy meal. The high fat content in yogurt helps to soothe the burning sensation in your mouth. Plain yogurt is best, as the sweetness of flavored varieties can make the heat even more intense.
Coconut milk is a great cooling agent after eating spicy food. The fatty acids in coconut milk can help to reduce the heat of the spices. Plus, it’s a great dairy-free alternative to yogurt.
Honey is one of the oldest and most effective remedies for cooling down your mouth after eating spicy food. Not only is honey naturally sweet, it also has a cooling effect on the tongue and throat. It is also a natural antiseptic, which helps to reduce inflammation and irritation caused by spicy foods.
Honey has been used as a remedy for centuries, and modern research has shown that it contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is also high in minerals and vitamins, which can help to reduce the burning sensation caused by spicy foods.
When using honey to cool down your mouth after eating spicy food, it is important to use pure, unprocessed, organic honey. This is because processed honey may contain additives and preservatives that can actually increase the spiciness of the food.
Honey can be added to food directly, or it can be mixed with other natural ingredients such as yogurt, milk, or yogurt-based drinks. It can also be used to make a soothing tea, or added to a glass of cold water.
It is also important to remember that honey should be consumed in moderation, as too much can cause digestive problems. Additionally, it should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.
When it comes to cooling down your mouth after a spicy meal, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, avoid drinking ice cold water. Contrary to popular belief, this won't help to cool your mouth down. Instead, opt for tepid water, as this will do a much better job. Additionally, you can try eating some yogurt, as this helps to neutralize the heat from the spices. Other cooling foods to try include cucumbers, apples, pears, and bananas.
If you’re looking for something a bit more flavorful, try adding a bit of sugar or salt to your food. This will help to balance out the intensity of the spices. You can also try eating a bit of bread or rice, as these will help to absorb some of the heat. If you’re feeling brave, you can even try adding some sugar to your water, as this will help to reduce the burn.
Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep your body cool. Additionally, you can try drinking herbal tea or fruit juices to help cool your mouth down.
Now I’ve given you a whole load of things to cool your mouth after eating spicy foods, you’ll be all set to move up to the hotter chilies – yes? I’m sure though I haven’t exhausted the list. Who knows more?