7 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about GMOs ...


7 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about GMOs ...
7 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about GMOs ...

The topic of GMOs is almost as popular as Angelina Jolie at the moment, so I’ve scavenged up 7 things you need to know about GMOs so you can sift out the facts from the media hype. I hope you’ll start making a smarter decision when choosing to buy foods from companies in opposition to GMOs after I fill you in on the dirty little secrets behind GMOs and how they are ruling our economy while ruining our health slowly, one day at a time. Many small health food companies have been bought out and sold to larger companies such as Mars, General Mills, or Coca Cola, which are in favor of GMOs. It can be hard to know which ones are still independent and which ones protest GMOs, so I’ve decided to help you out a bit. If you’re unaware of what GMOs are, GMO stands for genetically modified organisms, which means the food has been scientifically altered to produce more product, taking it away from its original state. Basically, the food is man-made, and people are finding that GMOs could lead to serious health issues over time and also create a detrimental effect on our economy. Read on to find out more things you need to know about GMOs.

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1. The Opposers Are Lying to You

One of the most important things to know about GMOs is that every company who supports them claims that GMO production will help feed the poor by offering more product and more availability of crops. In all reality, their profit is the only concern that they have and they are simply trying to convince consumers that GMOs will help the environment, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Companies in support of GMOs are now taking over land that was previously used for housing, and toxic chemicals are being exposed to the air around production sites.

2. GMOs Are Harmful

GMOs have been linked to organ damage, gastrointestinal health and immune disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. In fact, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine now asks doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets to patients. The toxic production of GMOs leaves that same toxic residue in our bodies, causing long-term problems. For example, it has been proven that GM soy can actually transfer into our DNA and toxic insecticides used in the crop are absorbed into our blood and organs. Toxins from GMOs have been found in the blood of pregnant women and unborn fetuses. This is pretty scary stuff if you ask me, girls!

3. GMOs Aren’t Old News

GMOs might be the topic of the latest year, but their problems date back to as far as 1996 when GMO production started. That year alone, 13% of Americans developed more issues ranging from autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems and other issues. Food allergies also spiked the same year, and though research is not exclusively stating it is due to GMOs, doctors in the American Academy of Environmental Medicine are now believing GMO production to be the cause due to the production of GM crops starting that same year.

4. Cancer Risk

It seems we hear so much about certain foods and products that cause cancer, but when it comes to GMOs, we should listen very carefully to the warnings. The American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association are among many medical groups that condemn the use of GM bovine growth hormone, because the milk from treated cows has more of the hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which is directly linked to cancer. If you want to buy any dairy products or non-dairy products, always check the product to make sure it says GMO free. Even vegan companies may support GMOs, so always check the product label!

5. Serious Side Effects

It may seem simple that GM crops were created to produce more food. Yet, what we are learning is that this is not the whole story. By mixing genes from totally unrelated species, which is what genetically modified means, genetic engineering unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects. The very process of creating a GM plant can result in a whole new level of damage since new toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional deficiencies begin to occur with just that one crop’s production.

6. Herbicide Issues

GM crops are made to actually defy deadly weed killer. That’s pretty scary stuff! When you think about eating an ear of corn, you don’t really think that, if it is GMO, you could douse it with Roundup weed killer and it wouldn’t die. It looks like corn, so it must be corn, right? Think again! Monsanto, the biggest supporter of the GMO world, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide.

7. Companies Aren’t What They Say

Unless a company states that their product is Project Non-GMO certified, we can’t be sure that they are. We buy products that say they are natural or healthy, but that health claim doesn’t mean anything and is merely a marketing slogan. Check the product to make sure it is Project Non-GMO Certified and check out the source link provided to find just what companies are guaranteed to be GMO free. You may be surprised that many of your favorites aren’t on the list. I know I sure was! Why would any company not take part in such an important action if they want to sell me the healthiest product possible? Hmm…something to think about before you spend your money on these foods, right?

Before you buy anything at the store, consider that buying organic and buying foods labels non-GMO will free you from any worry about consuming GM crops. The major GM crops are corn, soy, sugar made from sugar beets and yellow squash and zucchini, though anything can technically be genetically engineered. Do you look for the GMO-free seal before buying your food?

Sources: nongmoproject.org, care2.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

That blog post is clearly an opinion piece since the long term studies of GMOs haven't been conclusive enough yet to determine whether the "fear of GMOs is unfounded"

There is no significant scientific literature to back any of this up

Horrible article. Clearly just your uneducated opinion. GMOs haven't been around long enough for any studies to be conclusive and the term GMO is so broad. If you labeled every GMO in a store you'd have to label EVERYTHING. Unless you eat only heirloom veggies and dirt.

And where is the significant scientific evidence

Great article!! Loved it :) More people need to be aware...

Although I eat only organic I do t think that there is any hard evidence, it is strictly correlational. Bet to be safe than sorry though

Informative article. And I was surprised to see it on here. Anyone who thinks or feels that GMO's aren't real or serious needs to go back and do their research fully. Don't be in denial. There are a lot of foods that are GMO friendly, but the majority of the foods that we all know and love are full of GMO's. Almost anything with corn has GMO's, such as high fructose corn syrup). Organic is the way to go.

Great. Now one more thing to be concerned about. Thanks for the education though appreciate it

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