Many of you might find eating organic on a budget difficult. Not to worry! Eating organic isn’t as expensive as you would think. There is also a ton of health benefits to cutting disgusting pesticides, food additives, and other artificial, GMO-ridden ingredients out of your diet. If you’re worried that eating organic on a budget is almost impossible, keep reading! I’ve got seven great tips that are super easy to incorporate into your everyday life, making organic eating a complete breeze!
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1. Shop in Bulk
When eating organic on a budget, it’s important to shop in bulk when you can. If you don’t have a membership to BJ’s, Sam’s Club, or Costco, consider getting one! These wholesale food stores sometimes carry a ton of organic products at a better value than your normal grocer. You might think you’re spending more money at first, but ounce for ounce buying in bulk is usually cheaper. I personally recommend buying grains like organic brown rice or organic quinoa in bulk. These foods have a really long shelf life and you’ll get your money’s worth.
2. Purchase Produce Seasonally
If you’re trying to buy organic tomatoes in the dead of winter, no matter what you do, they’re never going to be quite on sale. Try to buy fruits and vegetables when they’re in season. An organic watermelon costs much less in the summer because it has a better likelihood of being grown locally, therefore using less money to transport it to your grocery store. A watermelon in December is almost guaranteed to come from a foreign country or other region where the climate is much warmer. This is ultimately going to cost you more money, so try to purchase produce seasonally.
3. Don’t Be Scared of Frozen Veggies
Frozen veggies get a bad rep for being less nutritional than their fresh counterpart. This simply isn’t true! Frozen vegetables are an affordable organic purchase for many people, and they’ll last a long time in your freezer. Simply open the bag, pour out the portion you want to cook, and put the remaining veggies back in the freezer until next time. You can also purchase frozen fruits! I find these especially good for smoothies in the morning.
4. Shred Organic Cheese Yourself
One of the reasons certain organic foods are expensive is because of the additional labor or work that is required to produce the item. If you’re buying organic shredded cheese, you’re not just paying for the hormone and antibiotic-free milk. You’re also paying for the labor that operated the shredding machine. Save money by shredding your cheese yourself. Sure it might take a little more work, but what’s 15 minutes of your time if it means you can save as much as five dollars? It’s these little savings, a dollar here, a dollar there, that later add up to huge savings for your pocket book.
5. Stock up during Sales
If you notice a certain non-perishable product is going on sale at your local grocery store, by all means stock up on this item. If there’s a coupon for it, find it online to save even more. So if you’re favorite organic cereal is available at a discounted rate, by all means invest! Don’t just buy three boxes instead of your standard two. Buy 10 or 12! You might think that you’re spending more money, and at first you are. But when you have cereal for weeks or even months on end and don’t need to purchase it, that’s a saving.
6. Make Use of Your Freezer
If you’re able to make some organic meals when the products are on sale, feel free to double or triple the recipe. Freeze extra portions for later use. That way you’ll have perfectly organic and yummy meals even after the sale is over. I love making pureed soups out of organic vegetables and broths when they’re on sale. I freeze extra soup in individual portions so that I have yummy, organic soup for several weeks!
7. Some is Better than None
Remember that going 100% organic isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes time to build a pantry and fridge that are stocked with all organic foods. Even if you can’t afford to buy all organic ingredients, you’re still decreasing your exposure to pesticides, GMOs, and other artificial ingredients when you purchase a few organic foods. Don’t let the process of going organic intimidate you—just take it one day at a time.
Going organic is a timely process that can be pricey if you don’t approach it from the right angle. Keep in mind that you’re only given one body on this earth, and you should honor it by eating wholesome organic foods! What are some of your methods for eating organic on a budget?
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