Valentine's Day Candy Recipes to Create for Everyone You Love ...

By Eliza

Valentine's Day Candy Recipes to Create for Everyone You Love ...

The love of your life isn't the only one who will love getting treats from you on Valentine's Day. Your kids, parents, siblings and friends will also feel the love if you gift them with a sweet surprise. Candy is always a good bet because who doesn't love candy? Homemade candy is even more meaningful and it's really fun to make. Here are some easy to follow videos that let you create candy for everyone you love.

1 Gummy Candy Hearts

Everyone loves gummy candy and these adorable bright red hearts are delicious and fun to eat. They are great for kids and adults alike and no one is going to be able to turn them down. The tutorial makes it super easy to create the candy hearts and you can easily change the color for other events and holidays. Fun!

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2 Caramel Chocolate Candy

There's nothing better than caramel and chocolate combined, right? So why not make a combo candy like these to share with the ones you love? Using the cute little molds allow you to create flowers, hearts or any other shape that makes you feel the love on Valentine's Day.

3 Fudge with Valentines's Day Candy

No one will ever in their life turn down fudge, which makes it the perfect choice for whipping up on Valentine's Day. Mix and match the candies and sprinkles to create customized candy for everyone you plan to share it with this year. It's easy and so much fun! Make sure to make yourself a little bit too.

4 Homemade Conversation Hearts

Forget buying conversation hearts at the store! Making them is pretty easy and they taste a whole lot better too. As you can see from the video, the process is really easy and you are sure to impress everyone this year with these delicious little hearts. Plus, you can personalize the messages on each based on how you feel about them.

5 Heart Shaped Chocolate Candy

There's nothing more perfect for Valentine's Day than chocolate shaped like a heart. That's why you need this handy video. The girl showing you how to make the candy is super adorable and she makes it so easy to make your own candy to share. Everyone is going to love getting some of these this year.

6 Raspberry Truffles

There's something so decadent about eating truffles, don't you think? That's what makes this recipe something you've got to try. Truffles are surprisingly easy to make and these raspberry ones are the perfect color for Valentine's Day. Who will you share them with? That is a lucky person!

7 Marshmallow Pops

If you don't want to try your hand at actually making candy, you can use this easy video to transform already prepared treats into something totally worthy of Valentine's Day. This is a great idea for someone who is gluten-free and kids totally love these!

8 Chocolate Covered Strawberry Roses

If you have some experience in the kitchen and feel like you can master something a bit more advanced, this is the recipe for you. The result is a bouquet of lovely and delicious fruity chocolate treats that anyone will feel lucky to get for Valentine's Day this year.

Which kind of candy are you going to make this year? Who will you share it with?

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