Why You Should Eat Sea Salt Instead of Table Salt ...


Why You Should Eat Sea Salt Instead of Table Salt ...
Why You Should Eat Sea Salt Instead of Table Salt ...

We’ve all heard about the problems with table salt. It’s got a reputation for playing a part in high blood pressure, heart disease, headaches, bloating and other health conditions. It isn’t easy to avoid the classic table salt either; even when you don’t add it to your food you will often find a high content of it in packaged foods such as cheese, bacon, ready meals, gravy granules, table sauces, soy sauce, and pickles.

If you can’t resist a sprinkling of salt over a pile of fries or a pinch on your soup, then you’ll be glad to know there is another way! Sea salt is the salt lovers’ godsend; it will actually provide you with numerous health benefits, unlike table salt that creates health problems. There are many good reasons why you should eat sea salt instead of table salt.

So, what’s the difference between sea salt and table salt?

Table salt is man-made, refined and produced from leftovers of crude oil flakes - now that doesn’t sound too appealing! Refining the table salt removes 80% of its natural minerals and adds a whole heap of chemicals. These chemicals include:

• Sodium Bicarbonate
• Anti-Caking Agents
• Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
• Chemical Bleach
• Fluoride
It is these nasty chemicals and food preservatives that cause the health problems associated with salt.

Sea salt, however, is all natural. It comes from evaporating seawater, under sunbeams. No chemical heating or additives needed for salt that comes from the sea. This means that no minerals are lost in the refining process, making it natural and healthy.
Some of the minerals in sea salt include:

• Silicon
• Sodium
• Magnesium
• Bromine
• Calcium
• Boron
• Strontium
• Sulfur
• Potassium

These minerals are needed for a fully functioning, healthy body.

Let’s look at the what and the why, just in case you still aren’t convinced that you need to swap out your table salt for sea salt

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1. Diabetes

The chemicals found in table salt cause an imbalance of nutrients, causing the insulin levels to spike and dip.

2. Muscle Cramps

Wake up in the night with painful cramps? Salt could be the cause. Salt dehydrates the body which plays a massive part in cramps and muscle spasms.

Frequently asked questions

3. High Blood Pressure

Table salt leads to high blood pressure because your body has to work hard to pump toxins away from the heart, quickly.

4. Anxiety and Depression

You might not have made a link between salt and depression, however, it is there. A diet high in salt can cause mood swings and depression.

5. Gout

If you suffer from gout, then you might want to know that the acid in salt can cause flare-ups and chronic inflammation.

6. Weight Gain:

Salt causes water retention, bloating and constipation, leading you to gain weight.

So, how can sea salt actually benefit your health?

1. Aid Weight Loss:

Where table salt can make you gain weight, sea salt can help you lose it. Sea salt doesn’t bloat you or make you constipated like table salt does; it can help you to shift a little weight as it is a natural digestive aid.

2. Reduces Asthma

If you are asthmatic, you might want to consider adding a little sea salt to your diet. The salt can actually relieve asthma and respiratory conditions as it breaks up excess phlegm and reduces lung inflammation.

3. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Sea salt can lower blood pressure and cholesterol when you have it alongside lots of fresh water. It can even help to regulate your heartbeat if you suffer from dysrhythmia.

4. Healthy Bones

Sea salt will provide the sodium your body needs for healthy bone function. If your sodium levels are too low, your body will draw salt from the bones, weakening them. Add a pinch of sea salt to your day to keep your bones strong.

5. Eases Depression

Whereas table salt can lead to depression, sea salt can ease it! Sea salt contains magnesium, a natural relaxant. It can also help you to maintain a healthy level of melatonin and serotonin that will help you sleep well, and let’s be honest; we’re all better people after a restful sleep!

6. Ease Skin Problems

If you have eczema or psoriasis, then soaking in a bath with sea salt will soothe the irritated skin by opening the pores and acting as a moisturizer.

7. Balance Blood Sugar

Sea salt does a fantastic job of balancing your blood sugar, helping with weight loss and preventing diabetes.

8. Treat Muscle Cramps

The potassium in sea salt can help you absorb potassium in other foods. Potassium plays a key part in easing muscle cramps and is an essential mineral for a healthy body.

Are you convinced? Table salt in your diet is going to cause health problems, whereas sea salt can actually prevent them and make you healthier. Watch the salt in your packaged foods too: If it is a jar of sauce, could you make it yourself and add a little sea salt instead of the table salt it contains? Make the wise and healthy choice, and choose natural salt from the sea!