Do You Eat These? Proof You're a Food Trendster ...

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Do You Eat These? Proof You're a Food Trendster ...

Food has is trends like everything else. Even to the point where sub cultures develop. You might even say that following a certain diet (Paleo, gluten-free, vegan etc) makes you part of a food sub-culture. But unlike sub-cultures which develop and grow over time, trends can be a passing thing. Take a look in your pantry and fridge and if you can see a few of these products lingering, you can definitely count yourself a food trendster.

1 Quinoa

This is definitely one trendy food that is around to stay.

Frequently asked questions

2 Kefir

A fermented milk drink made with kefir "grains"

3 Kale

Extra brownie points if you make your own kale chips. (I had some rainbow kale last weekend!)

4 Kimchi

And you'll have made it yourself. No store bought kimchi for you.

5 Greek Yogurt

It would be sacrilege for the yogurt space in your fridge to be occupied by sweetened fruit yogurts.

6 Home Made Cheese

Why buy ricotta, cream cheese, cottage, mozzarella or even cheddar if you can make your own? You've even had a go at making smoked cheese.

7 Chia

Do you really like the frog spawn texture or do you just eat it because it is so good for you?

8 Kombucha

Kombucha is an ancient fermented tea-based probiotic beverage. It has been around for 3,000 years but Westerners have only in recent times woken up to its benefits.

9 Leftovers from a Food Truck Meal

And if your leftover is tacos then you've hit a double food trend whammy.

10 Artisanal Bread

You don't mind paying $15 for a loaf of bread when it's this good.

11 Farmer's Market Chutney, Jam or Pickle

You love to wander around farmers markets tasting everything and you can't bear to come home empty handed. After every trip your pantry gets a new jar of something you simply had to buy.

12 Cold Brew Coffee

As a food trendster you stay on top of what's happening with beverages too.

13 Ramps

There hasn't really been anything new on the onions scene for hundreds of years, so of course you were excited when you heard about ramps.

14 Foraged Food

Scouring the hedgerows, meadows and shoreline for food is your idea of a great day out.

15 Fancy Donuts

You're on a mission to try every donut flavor on the planet.

16 Matcha Green Tea

Your pantry is lined with at last 50 varieties of herbal teas but you know green tea is the best one so it's the tea you never run out of. And you can recite at least 6 benefits of it right off the top of your head.

17 Freekah

Set to be the next "big" grain but you're ahead of the pack because you're already eating it.

18 Israeli Couscous

Also known as pearl couscous. Has regular sized couscous had its day in your kitchen?

19 Foodstuffs from the "latest" Ethnic Cuisine

In 2015 this means foods from The Philippines, South Africa and Lithuania.

20 Cauliflower

Another of the veggies so in right now. And you don't just boil it or serve it with cheese sauce. You roast it, you make it into rice. You have more recipes for cauliflower than is decent.

21 Sushi Ingredients

Because no food trendster would ever admit they don't like sushi.

22 Chipotle Chiles

You like normal chilies but right now, it has to be the lovely smokiness of chipotle.

23 Savory Yogurt

Can you really enjoy beet yogurt, or tomato or butternut squash?

24 Seaweed

A definite favorite among locavores.

25 Hummus Made from Anything but Chickpeas

Hummus is actually chickpeas, tahini, garlic and lemon juice. You however, omit the chickpeas and experiment with all sorts of substitutes like avocado, sweet potato, edamame beans, white beans, bell pepper ...

26 Brussel Sprouts

Not only do you love Brussels, you know about 20 recipes for them. Roasted is your favorite way of eating them.

27 Japanese Snack Foods

You might have Shrimp-and-Mayonnaise or Avocado-Cheese Doritos; Lay's Hot & SourFish Soup Potato Chips; KFC's salty ginger-chickenchips; or Pepsi-flavored Cheetos

28 Salted Caramel

When somebody decided to add salt to caramel you went straight to food heaven.

29 Fruit Butter

Is this a passing fad or do you love it enough to eat it for like, ever.

30 Harissa

Move over Sriracha sauce. Mexican cuisine has had its day. You've already moved on to Middle Eastern and North African food.

Now you've seen the list, do you qualify to be a fully paid up member of the food trendster club or are you a novice whose application is still pending?

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