11 Foods Your Skin Will Thank You for Eating ...

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11 Foods Your Skin Will Thank You for Eating ...

BuzzFeed is known for its hilarious quizzes and celebrity news. However, they post some educational content, as well. Recently, they posted a list of foods that are meant to make your skin better. What was on that list? Here are a few of the choice items:

1 Pumpkin



Pumpkins are not just for Halloween—they're a powerhouse of vitamins A and C, which can help to boost your collagen production, giving you that sought-after youthful glow. The orange hues of pumpkin come from carotenoids, like beta-carotene, which are known to help protect the skin against UV damage. Incorporate a helping of this nutritious squash into your diet, by adding pureed pumpkin to soups or pies, and you might just notice a smoother complexion. Plus, pumpkin seeds are a great snack that's rich in zinc, a mineral that's essential for healthy skin.

Frequently asked questions

2 Oysters


3 Avocado


4 Salmon


5 Green Tea

Green Tea

6 Tomato


7 Red Wine

Red Wine

8 Carrots


9 Sardines


10 Almonds


11 Broccoli

Broccoli If this post made you hungry, it's time to chow down on one of these foods! Which one of them is your absolute favorite?

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