7 Foods That Are Unsafe for Babies ...


7 Foods That Are Unsafe for Babies ...
7 Foods That Are Unsafe for Babies ...

When you're a new mom, it can be rather difficult to know all of the foods that are unsafe for babies. Some foods can cause an allergic reaction and others can pose a choking hazard. Most pediatricians don't recommend introducing any solids foods until your baby is at least 4 to 6 months old. I know that it can be very tempting to let your baby sample foods while you're eating, but it's best to wait until you know what foods are safe to feed them. Here's a list of 7 foods that are unsafe for babies.

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1. Fish

Fish is one food that I was always afraid to feed my kids when they were babies. Many types of fish contain high levels of mercury, which can be harmful to your baby's growing body. Large fish such as swordfish and King Marcel contain the highest level of mercury. Some people are also allergic to fish, so if anyone in your family has an allergy to shellfish, it's best to wait until your baby is at least 2 years old before feeling it to them. This will lessen your baby's chances of being allergic to shellfish,as well. It's easy to see why fish is at the top of the list of foods that are unsafe for babies.

2. Foods That Are Choking Hazards

There are some many benefits of eating raw fruits and vegetables, but you should think twice before feeding them to your baby. Many raw vegetables are hard and babies are unable chew them up. Large pieces of fruits and meats are also a potential choking hazard for babies. It's best to cut all large foods up into bite size pieces for your baby, especially if they are round because this increases their choking risk. My little boy is 4 and I still find myself cutting up foods like grapes and hot dogs to prevent him from getting choked.

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3. Cow's Milk

Until your baby is around one year old, you should only allow them to drink breast milk or formula and avoid giving them cows's milk. One reason you should avoid cow's milk is because it doesn't have enough iron for babies and could cause them to have an iron deficiency. The iron is cow's milk is not easily absorbed and it is also low in zinc and vitamins C and E. When babies drink cows milk too early, it can cause them to have digestive problems such as an upset stomach. While cows milk is great for adults, it doesn't have the right amounts of nutrients for babies and can put stress on a baby's kidneys.

4. Caffeinated Drinks

Even though most people wouldn't agree with me, we don't actually need caffeine. It doesn't provide us with any vitamins or nutrients and it's not required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you give your baby caffeine, you should expect for them to have some side effects. It can easily upset your baby's stomach or cause nausea. Giving your baby caffeine may make them fussy, restless and unable to sleep.

5. Honey

Most of us know that there are many benefits of honey. It provides us with many essential vitamins and nutrients. It can help prevent allergies and help soothe a sore throat, but honey is one food you should avoid feeding to your baby, until they are at least one year old. Honey contains spores called Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which can invade a baby's digestive system and cause a baby to develop infant botulism. This toxic disease is rare, but it can be fatal. Baby foods that contain honey are still safe to feed babies because the honey that is in them has been heated to a high enough temperature to kill any spores that were in the honey.

6. Nuts

There are several reasons why you should avoid giving your baby any type of nuts. One reason is because they pose a choking hazard to all children under 4. Babies can also choke on nut butters because most of them have a thick and sticky texture. Many adults and children are also highly allergic to nuts. If you or your spouse have a nut allergy, you should speak to your child’s pediatrician before giving them nuts or nut butters of any kind.

7. Eggs

While eggs may not seem like a harmful food to feed babies, they actually can be. Many babies under 12 months old are actually allergic to egg. The good news is that most outgrow egg allergies by the time they are 5 years old. If your baby is allergic to eggs they may experience symptoms such as breaking out in hives, flushing, a rapid heartbeat, or have a difficult time breathing after eating foods that contain eggs. The only way to be sure if your baby has an egg allergy is to speak with their doctor or allergist.

Before introducing your baby to solid foods, it's best to speak with their pediatrician. They will be able to tell you when to start introducing new foods and what foods to avoid. Are there any unsafe foods that you would like to add to the list? I can't wait to hear from you.

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Who'd give their baby caffeine

eggs and and fish are both fine. learn your facts.

Foods that are easy to get choked on? Should read: foods that are easy to choke on.

My kids had fish before the age one. They are both perfectly fine. Hell my two year old has a vocabulary of a four year old. They never had any rash or out break.

Side note with eggs, egg white is what would give your baby a reaction. Egg YOLKS are fine as soon as your baby is eating solid foods. Just hard boil them and just give them egg yolks, quick easy protein. :)

But who would feet their baby swordfish.....

I wouldn't say cows milk is necessarily "great for adults" it's a fairly nutrient sparse food, and casein milk protein turns on cancer genes.

Who on Earth would give any child under the age of...4 (even though that's still way too young IMO), a caffeinated drink?

we should carefully monitor our children and their reaction to different products.

I gve my son egg , fish and honey. He just turn 1. First, after he is able to eat solid food, i gve him a small amount of these food to see any allergy. After few days, there is no allergy, i continue to gve him that. Honey, somehow, good to cure fever, running nose and other illness. Safe to gve him with small portion, like, just a dip from your finger. Just sharing. What u write is not wrong, but, some of the food, not too dangerous for baby