10 Healthy Smoothie Powders to Try ...


10 Healthy Smoothie Powders to Try ...
10 Healthy Smoothie Powders to Try ...

Any of you who may have read my blog or know me will know how much I love smoothies, and I’m a huge fan of smoothie powders as well. Many people perceive smoothie powders as a waste of money, or as processed foods. I’ll agree that there are many of them out there that are overly processed, contain added fillers, and actually are a waste of money. I’m not talking about those smoothie powders, but the ones that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, superfoods and offer incredible health benefits. These smoothie powders are so rich in nutrients that you only need ½-1 tsp. per day to notice their effects. Many people like to know which ones I recommend that are clean, tasty, of good quality, and affordable. These smoothie powders may seem pricey at first, but considering they contain a 2-3 months supply in each package, they’re a real steal of a deal!

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1. Acai

Acai Acai powder is a wonderful addition to your smoothies and is one of my favorite smoothie powders. Acai fruit puree can be bought in the freezer section of Whole Foods or online, however I prefer using the powder when I want a more cost-efficient and convenient option. Acai powder by Navita Naturals, Live Superfoods, and Bright Earth Foods are my favorite brands. These products contain nothing except raw, organic, freeze-dried acai fruit powder. Acai is rich in antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, fiber and contains absolutely no sugar. It has taste similar to blueberries but with a deeper flavor, and an added chocolate taste in the background. One teaspoon contains more antioxidants than five cups of blueberries and more Omega 3 fatty acids than salmon. Acai can enhance your energy, strengthen your digestion, brain function, immunity, and aid in heart health and metabolism.


Acai is a superfood native to the Amazon rainforest and is packed with vitamins and minerals that can help boost your health. It is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help support healthy brain function, heart health, and metabolism. Acai is also a great source of dietary fiber, which can help with digestion and can help you feel fuller for longer.

Acai powder is an easy and convenient way to get the benefits of acai. It is made from freeze-dried acai fruit puree, and contains no added sugar. It has a flavor similar to blueberries, with a hint of chocolate in the background. One teaspoon of acai powder contains more antioxidants than five cups of blueberries, and more Omega 3 fatty acids than salmon.

2. Gogi Powder

Gogi Powder Gogi powder is similar to acai powder and it contains nothing but freeze-dried gogi berries. The powder is full of Vitamin C, amino acids and protein, fiber, antioxidants and contains a tart, somewhat sweet taste. Gogi berries are one of the lowest sugar dried fruits available and though the whole berries are nice, the powder is more convenient for smoothies. It is also a beautiful deep pink color, which makes any smoothie prettier. It's also delicious and so energizing! I like Navitas Naturals, Bright Earth Foods and Live Superfoods brands.

Frequently asked questions

Smoothie powders are powdered supplements that you can add to your smoothies. They often contain vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, or other nutrients to make your smoothie more nutritious.

Some smoothie powders are designed as meal replacements, with enough nutrients and calories to substitute for a meal. However, not all are suitable for this, so check the label or consult a nutritionist.

Not necessarily. Some powders might have added sugars, artificial flavors, or fillers. It's important to read the ingredients list and choose powders with healthy, whole-food ingredients.

Look for smoothie powders with natural ingredients, low in added sugars, and with a good balance of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Also, consider any dietary restrictions you may have, such as gluten-free or vegan.

Smoothie powders that are high in protein and fiber can help you feel full longer, which might help with weight loss. But they should be used as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle for best results.

3. Raw Cacao

Raw Cacao What girl out there doesn’t love chocolate? How about eating chocolate in its raw, organic form if you want to get the most bang for your buck and your waistline? Raw cacao powder has much less fat than chocolate, more fiber and tons more nutrients. Raw cacao is the highest antioxidant food in the world. It contains iron, fiber, magnesium, zinc and protein. It also contains many natural substances that elevate mood, prevent and treat depression, PMS and fatigue. It increases your ability to focus, tames your appetite and it is the perfect substitution to coffee if you’re looking for a replacement that won’t cause inflammation or an energy crash. I love Bright Earth Foods, Navitas Naturals and Live Superfood brands the most.

4. Spirulina

Spirulina Spirulina is a must-have smoothie powder for me. Just like the other powders mentioned here, this is a raw, organic whole food, which has been freeze-dried into powder form. Spirulina is true brain and body food. Just one tablespoon contains 4 grams of protein, 880% of your daily Vitamin A requirements, 70% of your Vitamin B12 requirements, and 50% of your daily iron requirements. It is wonderful for preventing anemia, fatigue, sugar cravings and an inability to focus. It is also wonderful to alkalize your body. Spirulina is a deep sea algae that is a beautiful deep green color, which can turn some people off. It also smells like the ocean, so be sure to use it in a smoothie and sweeten with stevia or your choice of sweetener or fruit to mask the taste. You’ll notice effects after one use of spirulina and it is well worth the money. Most one pound containers include over a 5 month supply.

5. Ormus Greens by Sunwarrior

Ormus Greens by Sunwarrior I love Ormus Greens green blend by Sunwarrior brand. First of all it is nothing but raw, organic and probiotic rich greens and grasses, such as Wheat Grass. It is sweetened with raw stevia and contains peppermint for healthy digestion and taste. Ormus Greens is a little pricey, but contains 320 servings per container, therefore it would last you over 10 months. Not too bad considering the wonderful effects of this superfood, such as better digestion, better skin, heightened energy and preventing inflammation.


Ormus Greens by Sunwarrior is a great choice for those looking to add a healthy boost to their smoothie routine. This blend of raw, organic probiotic rich greens and grasses, like wheat grass, is sweetened with raw stevia and contains peppermint for an extra kick of flavor and improved digestion. With 320 servings per container, this powder can last up to 10 months, making it a great value for the price.

The health benefits of adding Ormus Greens to your smoothie are numerous. It can help improve digestion, boost energy levels, and reduce inflammation. It is also great for skin health, as it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy skin. Additionally, the probiotic-rich greens and grasses support a healthy gut, helping to improve the immune system.

6. Raw Meal Protein Powder by Garden of Life

Raw Meal Protein Powder by Garden of Life I’m in love with Garden of Life’s Raw Meal Protein Powder. It contains all essential and non essential amino acids to make it a rich source of complete protein, is extremely high in fiber and all your daily nutrient requirements, plus it is rich in alkaline greens such as wheat grass, barley grass, sprirulina, chlorella, spinach, parsley and more. It also contains high antioxidant fruits, added probiotics, enzymes for digestion, Omega 3 fatty acids and no refined sugar. It is available in delicious flavors such as Vanilla and Chocolate and new flavors are soon to hit the market. A new smoothie powder by Garden of Life will be available soon that you definitely don't want to miss as well. Raw Meal is completely allergen-free, contains no animal products whatsoever, no fillers or preservatives, is low in sodium, and low in fat.

7. Philosophie Superfoods

Philosophie Superfoods I became aware of this brand of superfood medleys just a few months ago, and I am so impressed with this company. First, they offer three main blends made of NOTHING but raw organic superfoods. Philosophie brand makes a greens powder, a cacao infusion powder, and a berry flavored powder. The greens powder and cacao infusion powder are all rich in vegan proteins and superfoods such as maca, another one of my favorite powders. The berry flavored powder contains superfruits like acai, and gogi, plus raw, organic whey protein from grass fed-cows. I love the greens and cacao powders since I eat a vegan diet 99% of the time, but the berry flavor would be the best option if you’re looking for the best whey protein on the market.

8. Perfect Food Raw by Garden of Life

Perfect Food Raw by Garden of Life This product has been a favorite of mine for almost 6 years now. It is incredibly rich in greens, sprouted foods, probiotics, enzymes, chromium for a healthy blood sugar, minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and it tastes amazing! I love the new cacao flavor that came out last year the most. It has all the benefits and ingredients of the original Perfect Food Raw, plus the delicious taste of cacao. I notice that my skin looks better when using this product, and it is quite affordable for a 30 day supply. You could even half the serving size and stretch it out to a 60 day supply and still reap tons of benefits. Perfect Food Raw is completely raw, 100% vegan, gluten-free, soy-free and certified organic.

9. Amazing Grass Raw Cacao Superfood

Amazing Grass Raw Cacao Superfood Once again, I have another favorite raw smoothie powder that is rich in greens, probiotics, fiber, superfruits and contains the fabulous raw cacao. Amazing Grass is completely raw, 100% vegan, gluten-free, soy-free and certified organic. It is so good I could eat it with a spoon. It contains vitamins, minerals, and wonderful ingredients to prevent inflammation, give you energy, improve your mood, brain function and it makes your smoothies delicious! It also contains 60 servings in the medium size container. It is available in a 30 day supply and 100 day supply container as well. Other flavors are available, but the cacao flavor is definitely the best. A whole foods protein powder is also available by Amazing Grass, known as Amazing Meal, which is an excellent product as well.

10. Rainbow Superfood Smoothie Mix

Rainbow Superfood Smoothie Mix Bright Earth Foods is one of my favorite raw, organic superfood companies. Their all-in-one Rainbow Superfood Smoothie Mix is completely vegan, contains no fillers or preservatives and contains the most powerful superfoods in the world, all in one tasty chocolate powder that tastes like chocolate cake batter! A one pound bag will last over 2 months, making it a real bargain when you consider it contains gogi, acai, raw cacao, raw cacao nibs, spirulina, maca, Chaga mushrooms for longevity and metabolism, camu-camu powder for Vitamin C, and just a touch of Himilayan salt for minerals and raw stevia for sweetness.

There are many wonderful smoothie powders out there, and this is in no way an exclusive list of my favorites, or worthy ones to mention. I did however choose products that have no fillers, synthetic ingredients, thickeners, high sodium, or that aren’t raw, organic and vegan. Other powders worth mentioning include hemp protein powder, maca powder, chia seed or powder, flax powder, camu-camu powder and a few more. I also use all of these. If you need some yummy ways to use these in a smoothie, then visit my blog The Soulful Spoon for recipes or to learn more about them. Now, let me hear your favorites! What are some of your favorites smoothie powders to use? I bet I’ll see a few of my other favorites in your ideas!


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I take the maca powder, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and spirulina. They are are in my daily juice every morning! The maca powder especially is one I seen make a huge difference! It's natures Viagra!!! Also the chia seeds keep me full!!! Great article I will try done of these new ones thanks!

I just bought the navitas naturals cacao powder and just made the most delicious smoothie with it. I used 1 tablespoon of the cacao a banana a tablespoon of 100% organic coconut butter or oil can be used to a 1/2 teaspoon of honey, 2 stevia packets and half cup off coconut water, everything healthy! And everyone if you love chocolate this is the product to use it soothes your chocolate cravings but without all the unhealthy things! Love it! Try it! You will love it too. Thank you for sharing these powders with us next I got to try the acai one and spirulina one.

Will try the acai one! Thanks x

These are awesome ! Thank you

Oh forgot to say I put a half cup of 100% coconut milk in as well.

I love it super helpful.. I needed this

I bought the amazing grass cacao and mix it with almond milk. It mixes better with a little water first.