Quick and Easy DIY Fall Snacks and Party Treats ...

By Leiann

Quick and Easy DIY Fall Snacks and Party Treats  ...

With the bad weather approaching, snacking for comfort is going to be packing on the pounds. In this video, there are 3 treats that are basically healthy, but with a little indulgence...

Which is your favorite? Mine is the popcorn! Studies say that 3 cups of popcorn is OK. I am sure with the pretzels. M & Ms, candy corn and drizzled chocolate, not too much harm could be done. You are bound not to over-indulge, as you would satisfy that salty and sweet craving all at once.

As you can buy all ingredients at the dollar store for about $5.00, you would have enough ingredients to make in huge batches at once or a bowl at a time (sure not to run out of ingredients for a while...).

I give this snack video a 10!

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