7 Smoothie Recipes Using Coconut Oil ...


7 Smoothie Recipes Using Coconut Oil ...
7 Smoothie Recipes Using Coconut Oil ...

I’m a huge fan of coconut oil and use it for just about everything, including these smoothies recipes using coconut oil. I like to change up which smoothies I eat each day, but each one always has a tablespoon of coconut oil added to it. Coconut oil is great for your hormones, skin, weight loss and metabolism, nails, hair, and regulating your insulin levels. It is also extremely detoxifying to the body, with an emphasis on the liver, which coconut oil helps immensely. Coconut oil contains a special type of fats known as MCT fats, which are immediately used by the body for metabolism functions, not stored as fat. Coconut oil is also an antiviral oil, and rich in lauric acid, so it helps the liver filter out toxins and aids in preventing bacterial infections such as yeast infections and other fungal infections. I have noticed that by using these smoothies recipes using coconut oil, my smoothies not only taste better, give me more energy, and digest better, but they have also made my skin, hair and nails glow. I don’t crave sugar anymore after implementing these smoothie recipes using coconut oil either, which is great for a girl with a major sweet tooth like me. Just 1-2 tbsp. per day of coconut oil is all you need to feel the awesome effects of coconut oil. Try some in one of these smoothies and you’ll see and feel a huge difference!

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1. Berry Coconut Smoothie

This smoothie is high in antioxidants and is one of my favorite smoothie recipes using coconut oil. The fats in coconut oil increase nutrient absorption, so all of the vitamins and antioxidants in the berries are used faster and more efficiently in your body. This smoothie also tastes fantastic and is a beautiful pink color. But if you are not in the mood to make the smoothie by yourself, you can buy ready Keto Berry Smoothie with coconut oil. Again, the taste and the color are outstanding.

Recipe Serves 1

1 tbsp. raw virgin coconut oil
1 cup strawberries (or a mix of strawberries and raspberries or blueberries)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk, vanilla flavored
5 ice cubes
Optional as a meal shake: add in 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder

Blend and serve.

2. Island Dream Smoothie

Featuring the superfood and protein-rich spirulina, this smoothie is a brilliantly deep green color. Get a sweet taste by using stevia and fruit to mask the taste of the earthy spirulina. Spirulina is the most protein-rich source food per serving of all foods with 4 grams per teaspoon and Vitamin B12, iron and Vitamin A to boot. It is a type of seaweed or algae and one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. I also added some pineapple for a delicious tropical taste, just like something straight off the islands!

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup coconut water (or sub in regular water if you want)
1-2 tbsp. raw virgin coconut oil
1 tbsp. organic spirulina powder
½ cup frozen pineapple
½ frozen banana
1 packet of NuNaturals Stevia (the best tasting out there!)
Handful of spinach
5 ice cubes

Blend and serve.

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3. Superfood Smoothie

This recipe features 5 superfoods that I use on a daily basis for hormonal balance, energy, a high metabolism and great skin. These foods also are high in raw amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Superfoods are great for a variety of issues and a little goes a long way. Try these superfoods all in one smoothie and feel the energy surging through your pretty little self! This is a great meal replacement smoothie or an afternoon pick me up.

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk or almond milk
¼ cup frozen blueberries
1 tsp. maca powder
1 tsp. raw cacao powder
1 tsp. your favorite greens powder- I like several, but here I used Amazing Grass brand

1 scoop Sunwarrior Raw Blend Vanilla Protein Powder (or your favorite protein powder)
1 tsp. acai powder or gogi powder
¼ tsp. vanilla extract, gluten-free
Handful of spinach
2 tbsp. coconut oil
5-6 ice cubes

**Blend and serve.

4. Coconut Acai Smoothie

I love frozen acai in smoothies, and it is easy to use since it is sold in the freezer section in many large health food stores like Whole Foods. It comes in handy little packets and is such a treat to have once a week, or more if you can afford it. Acai is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, some protein, tons of antioxidants, is great for your metabolism, and has absolutely NO fruit sugar, which I just love! Paired with coconut oil, it is truly such a dream. Try this simple smoothie recipe for an afternoon pick me up or light breakfast.

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk or coconut milk
1 frozen packet of acai pulp such as Sambazon or Amafruits brand
2 tbsp. coconut oil
1 packet of NuNaturals Stevia powder
Optional- dash of cinnamon or vanilla flavoring

Blend and serve.

5. Coconut Kale Smoothie

I am in equally love with kale and coconut, so why not pair them together? Don’t turn your nose up at me just yet if you’re new to green smoothies using super greens like kale. Kale is your friend, ladies! It is rich in protein, iron, Vitamin A, fiber, magnesium, chlorophyll, Omega 3s, and is great for your hormones, metabolism and fighting depression. Here in this smoothie, you won’t feel like you’re downing a salad, but instead a blissful delightful smoothie that is rich in calming, energizing and nutritious properties. It is also really yummy too!

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk or almond milk (or you can use water)
1 cup of kale
1 cup of spinach
½ frozen banana
¼ cup frozen blueberries
1-2 tbsp. raw virgin coconut oil
Dash of cinnamon-optional
5 ice cubes

Blend and serve.

6. Coconut Chai Smoothie

I’m a huge fan of chai flavors, which include cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and a few others. I like chai flavored vanilla lattes, but instead of the caffeine and sugar, here’s a healthy smoothie featuring the same tastes of the unhealthy beverage, but with more nutrition. Enjoy!

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk
¼ tsp. gluten free vanilla extract
¼ cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
1 scoop vanilla raw protein powder by Sunwarrior brand (optional but very filling)
½ a frozen banana (optional but adds sweetness and thickness)
1 packet of NuNaturals stevia powder
1 tbsp. raw virgin coconut oil
¼ tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. ginger
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
Dash of cloves
1 tsp. raw cacao or cocoa powder (optional, but adds depth and flavor like a mocha without too much caffeine).
8 ice cubes

Blend and serve.

7. Coconut Almond Smoothie

What girl doesn’t like almond butter, right? Here in this smoothie, I used a raw almond butter with raw coconut oil for a delicious, filling and nutritious snack. Raw fats are excellent for your metabolism, skin, hair, nails and mood when you eat them in the right portions. Enjoy this simple smoothie when you need a sweet fix.

Recipe Serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 tbsp. raw almond butter
1 tbsp. raw virgin coconut oil
Dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp. chia seeds for extra fiber and nutrition
1 tsp. cacao powder
Optional: 1 scoop your favorite protein powder as a meal
8 ice cubes

**Blend and Serve

Coconut oil is definitely one of my must-have foods and I can’t imagine not having a tablespoon or two a day. Don’t fear this incredible miracle fat! Add some in one of these smoothie recipes using coconut oil and I bet you’ll be as hooked as I am. Always remember when buying coconut oil to choose organic virgin coconut oil, preferably raw, such as Bright Earth Foods Raw Vanilla Coconut Oil which is my favorite, or Nutiva is a good brand that is not raw. Do any of you use coconut oil in smoothies?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I like popcorn and instead of butter I use coconut oil give it a sweet treat taste and good source of fiber

Will definitely be sure to try recipe 1, 2, and 3! Im not much for coconut..

Can you use shredded coconut instead of the oil?

I love smoothies but these are interesting