7 Tasty Sources of Monounsaturated Fats That Can Help You Lose Weight ...


7 Tasty Sources of Monounsaturated Fats That Can Help You Lose Weight ...
7 Tasty Sources of Monounsaturated Fats That Can Help You Lose Weight ...

We all know we need healthy fats for a fast metabolism, but there are some fats that can help you lose weight faster than others. MUFAs, or monounsaturated fats, are actually the best types of fat to help you drop the pounds pronto, even more so than the trendy coconut oil we hear so much about. MUFAs are actually much better for weight loss than polyunsaturated fats or saturated fats as well. Most people know what foods have healthy fats, but aren’t always aware of the best types of fats mostly comprised of monounsaturated fats. The reason these little fats work so great for weight loss is because of the way they prevent your body from storing fat as excess weight, especially in the abdominal region. I can’t think of any better way to get ready for summer than to indulge in some healthy fats that also enhance my waistline, what about you?

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Avocados Avocados are one of the most well known healthy fats that can help you lose weight, and it’s largely because the fats in avocados are mostly monounsaturated fats. Avocados are also rich in fiber, Vitamin E, magnesium, Vitamin B6, and a little protein to boot! Just one quarter cup a day is all you need to get the benefits. They’re high in oleic acid, which helps halt the appetite, as well as enhance the liver and digestive tract. You can use them anywhere, but I like them on salads, mixed in salsa, or in a smoothie with banana to make them extra creamy!



Almonds One of my other favorite healthy fats that can help you lose weight is raw almonds or raw almond butter. Be warned though- almond butter is one of those things I like to call “danger zone” healthy fats, because portion size is still important, and we all know how easy it is to eat almond butter by the spoonful before we realize we’ve eaten more than a couple tablespoons, or one serving. So, choose raw almonds instead for the best portion control. I personally love Blue Diamond 100 calorie packs of raw almonds. They’re tasty, fresh, and the packets are easy to keep in your purse or your car anytime you need a healthy snack. Almonds aren’t only great for your waistline, but also your brain, and stress. The magnesium and protein in almonds help reduce sugar cravings as well as combat stress, just within a few crunchy bites.


Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are one of my favorite seeds, for so many reasons. One is because they have a delicious crunchy texture, but also because they’re high in satiety due to their healthy monounsaturated fat content, and their protein content. Pumpkin seeds are the highest protein seed you can consume except for hemp seeds. They’re also rich in fiber, alkaline forming in the body, and are antiviral. Like almonds, they are also very high in magnesium, along with B vitamins. This makes them awesome for fighting stress that can easily lead to weight gain. Just one quarter cup of pumpkin seeds is 15 grams of fat, 6 grams of fiber, 200 calories, and absolutely no sugar.



Walnuts Walnuts are just all around incredible for you. I truly don’t think there’s anything they aren’t good for in terms of your health. Walnuts are high in omega 3 fats, which are mostly monounsaturated fats, they are high in oleic acid, which as I mentioned is wonderful for your joints and gastrointestinal tract, and walnuts are also a wonderful source of fiber and Vitamin E. They are best when eaten raw and unsalted, like most nuts and seeds are. Walnuts actually look like little brains, and I like to believe this is because they truly are a top brain food! They can increase focus, decrease depression, and even eliminate PMS symptoms. Eat up, ladies!


Olive Oil

Olive Oil Olive oil and olives are both fantastic sources of monounsaturated fats as well. Olive oil is a very dense fat, but a little goes a long way, especially for weight loss. Studies have shown that just one tablespoon of olive oil at a meal can reduce the appetite by increasing satiety, and even aiding in digestion and absorption of nutrients. By obtaining more of your nutrients from veggies, olive oil can effectively help you get the most of them, especially ones such as broccoli, kale, carrots, onions, garlic, and spinach, which are full of metabolism-boosting properties.

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Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate Did you know that dark chocolate is actually a wonderful source of monounsaturated fats? Even though most of the fats are saturated, dark chocolate is also rich in monounsaturated fats compared to others like coconut, dairy butter, palm oil, and vegetable oils. Dark chocolate also contains a special type of fat known as stearic acid, which can help reduce cholesterol as well. Always be sure to choose dark chocolate with at least 85% cacao content. Avoid types with more sugar, and those made with dairy milk. This will help keep your insulin low, which is crucial to fat burning. My favorite brand is Bright Earth Foods raw cacao paste, Ghirardelli 100% unsweetened baking bars, and Sunspire unsweetened baking bars, all of which have 100% cacao content and nothing else.


Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia Nuts Macadamia nuts are often avoided because they are high in fat, but these nuts have more monounsaturated fats than any other, meaning they are excellent both for you and your weight loss goals. Just 2 tablespoons are all you need for a healthy dose of fats that will squash your appetite and raise your metabolism. Plus, macadamia nuts are rich in a lesser known omega fat, omega 7 fat. Omega 7 fat helps lower blood lipids and cholesterol, which most people don’t even know. I know I sure didn’t! That's all the more the reason to add some macadamia nuts to some oatmeal, a smoothie, or just nosh on a few when you get the munchies. What do you think?

I like to make a mix of almonds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts for a super delicious, low sugar trail mix, rich in monounsaturated fats. You can throw some cacao nibs in there too! All nuts and seeds are excellent for you, just be mindful of portions. A little goes a long way in reducing appetite, burning fat, and reducing your insulin levels. A quarter cup serving is perfect! I like to pre-portion my trail mix or serving of nuts into small baggies or tiny containers so I don’t eat them all out of the bag at one time. Do you eat any of these fats? Which one is your favorite?

Sources: fitnessmagazine.com, care.diabetesjournals.org

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