Throw These 7 Things out of Your Kitchen ASAP ...

By Holly6 Comments

There's no reason to clutter up your kitchen. It only takes two minutes to clean out all of the items you don't need. Follow Real Simple advice and throw all of these items in the trash:

1 Worn-out Water Bottles

Worn-out Water Bottles How many times are you going to use the same bottle for the gym?

Frequently asked questions

2 Chipped Plates

Chipped Plates You don't want anyone to cut themselves, do you?

3 Duplicate Tools

Duplicate Tools How many spatulas do you really need?

4 Takeout Menus

Takeout Menus Everything's online, so why clutter up your drawers?

5 Kiddie Plates

Kiddie Plates You stopped using your Dora Explorer plates years ago, so it's time to toss them.

6 Ketchup and Soy Sauce Packets

Ketchup and Soy Sauce Packets You always have ketchup in the fridge, so when are you going to use those super old packets?

7 Restaurant Takeout Containers

Restaurant Takeout Containers These are only taking up room. Buy your own containers if you need more.

Are you going to toss out these items, or do you think you need them?

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