No Bake Cheery Cherry Cheesecake Lasagna ...

Leiann Mar 9, 2019

No Bake Cheery Cherry Cheesecake Lasagna ...
No Bake Cheery Cherry Cheesecake Lasagna ...

This is not your typical lasagna! Can you imagine lasagna for dessert? In this video, learn how to make a no-bake cheery cherry cheesecake lasagna!

As for the instructions, I have a simpler method in mind... Instead of making your own frosting and getting your kitchen messy, simply buy ready-made cheesecake icing!

This makes such an extravagant dessert for you to prepare, usually found on display in restaurants or on the menu, while saving you tons of money. Have dessert at home.

This review may be short, but I think you get the point:

Cheap dessert
Luxurious desert
Easy dessert to prepare


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