One way that I like to help people diet easier is by showing them healthy foods to lose weight that are simple, can be bought anywhere, and don’t cost an arm and a leg! Being on a diet can feel so incredibly overwhelming and difficult at times. If you’re buying expensive pills, bars, shakes, programs, pre-planned meals, or juices, let all that go and hear me out. You don’t need all that to lose weight. All you need are real, simple, and healthy foods to lose weight. Here they are below, and they should be your go-to sources at the supermarket, instead of those dieting products.
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1. Fish
Fish is by far one of the best healthy foods to lose weight you could eat. I know many of you are vegetarian or vegan, but if you’re not, try fish to lose weight. The special composition of fats, protein, B vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients of fish are fantastic for your heart, brain, and for weight loss. Fish has a “constricting” effect, as I like to say. It leans you out quick, so long as you eat it baked, broiled, steamed, or in canned form.
2. Green Vegetables
All green vegetables are good for weight loss. Don’t get caught up in which one is better for you, or the best “superfood.” There’s nothing wrong with plain green vegetables like green beans, green peas, zucchini, asparagus, plain lettuce, herbs, spinach, and yes, the almighty kale. Just don’t forget broccoli, and even non-green vegetables like cauliflower, which are fantastic for weight loss and your heart. These fill you up and will do much more for appetite control than some pricey product.
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3. Coconut Oil
I know coconut oil gets a lot of hype about weight loss, but there’s really no magical thing to this oil except for one factor: satiety. Coconut oil’s fats are not stored by the body, which makes it a great fat to eat to lose weight, but don’t douse your food in it in abundance. Doing so might make you gain weight. The beauty of coconut oil is you don’t need a lot to satisfy your appetite. That’s what makes it such a great healthy food to help you lose weight. Coconut oil will decrease your appetite, increase your energy, and enhance the taste of almost any dish you use it in.
4. Almonds
All nuts are fantastic for you, but almonds stand out in a few ways. First, almonds help you get a nice dose of protein, magnesium, and B vitamins, all for no saturated fat at all. They’re also high Vitamin E, which keeps your skin pretty! Use almonds to top salads, smoothies, meat dishes, and use slivered almonds in oatmeal, salads, or even roasted veggies as a sweet, crunchy topping. Almonds help lower sugar cravings, blood pressure, and heart disease, but are best eaten when in raw, unsalted forms.
5. Oranges
Oranges are one of the simplest, most basic healthy foods you can eat. They’re rich in Vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, fiber, and have just enough sugar to satisfy you. They’re low in fructose, which is the most harmful form of sugar because it gets stored as fat when eaten in excess. Instead, oranges have a form of sugar your body immediately uses as fuel to replenish glucose in the bloodstream. This helps satisfy you faster, and helps you stop eating sugary foods more often, whereas fructose can actually make you crave more because it isn’t used as fuel for the body, but stored by the liver as fat.
6. Raspberries
All berries are fantastic for you, but raspberries are higher in fiber than any other berry, and lower in sugar. They’re also fantastic for lowering your risk for diabetes, and they have blood pressure lowering qualities as well. Raspberries have a nice dose of Vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and a delicious sweet and tart flavor almost anyone will love. I use them in everything I can think of and love the beautiful hue they give to foods.
7. Nonfat Greek Yogurt
Love dairy or not, this food will help you lose weight and can be bought anywhere. It has such an incredible mix of protein, Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, potassium, and only has 90 calories per five ounces, so it’s almost unbeatable in nutrition. Yes, I know dairy is controversial, but Greek yogurt stands alone from regular dairy. The probiotics in Greek yogurt aren’t all that make it special, though they can help digestion immensely. Recently, this one food has been linked to lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, more than any other source of protein. Plus, I’ve found it really helps with hormones and stress. I always suggest buying organic nonfat and plain Greek yogurt to avoid hormones, added sugars, pesticides, and unhealthy antibiotics in traditional forms of yogurt, or sweetened varieties.
8. Flaxseeds
Higher in omega 3s than any other plant source, flaxseeds are such a gem when it comes to nutrition! With fiber, magnesium, healthy fats, and virtually no net carbs, flaxseeds are incredible for you. They also help prevent unhealthy levels of hormones in women, and make an excellent replacement to breadcrumbs or flour in any recipe you use. I add ground flax to oatmeal, smoothies, salads, soups, and just about anything I can think of. I even use them in homemade muffins, cookies, and pancakes!
Besides being a nutritional powerhouse, flaxseeds assist in weight management due to their high fiber content, which can keep you feeling full longer, reducing the urge to snack on less healthy options. Their ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) content, a type of plant-based omega-3 fatty acid, supports cardiovascular health. When using ground flaxseed, the body absorbs more nutrition compared to whole seeds. For a heartier texture and nutty flavor, try sprinkling them over yogurt or incorporating them into homemade granola bars. Remember, always store your flaxseeds in the fridge or freezer to maintain their freshness and nutrient profile.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
I’m not suggesting this food will help you drop weight overnight like the claims around it do, but it makes a great zero calorie salad dressing replacement. It also lowers insulin in the bloodstream, to help reduce sugar cravings. Always buy raw apple cider vinegar for the healthiest and most effective form. You’ll be surprised just how much this delicious zesty flavor will satisfy you. I know vinegar sounds gross, but trust me, it has a delicious sweet and zingy taste on salads, meat dishes, fish, or veggies that is actually amazing. Don’t knock it til you try it!
10. Cocoa Powder
Cocoa powder is one of the most underutilized foods of all to help you lose weight. Just adding 1 tablespoon a few times a day will calm your sweet tooth like crazy! I add a teaspoon to coffee, to my smoothies, in yogurt, and even mixed into baked goods. Cocoa powder is high on the satiety charts, and it’s also fantastic for you! Not only does it keep your skin in tip top shape, but it has no sugar, plus it’s high in fiber. Cocoa powder has a rich, sweet flavor that really calms cravings fast and relaxes you. This is key to halting cravings fast. Many of us overeat because we’re just really stressed. Have some cocoa powder in your next yogurt, smoothie, or cup of coffee. I bet you’ll learn to love it just as much as I do! Just remember to choose plain cocoa, and not sweetened forms. I like raw cacao powder, Rodelle cocoa powder, and Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder.
Additionally, cocoa powder is loaded with antioxidants, which can help fend off harmful toxins and reduce inflammation in your body. This delightful addition to your pantry may also improve your mood and provide you with an energy boost, both of which are beneficial if you're trying to stay on track with a fitness routine. And don't worry about it being a guilty pleasure—cocoa is known to support heart health, too! So go ahead, sprinkle that magic dust of healthful indulgence, and watch how it can transform not just your meals, but also your wellbeing on your weight loss journey.
11. Garlic
Garlic isn’t a food you want to nosh on alone, but try adding it to your dishes when you cook. Adding garlic enhances the flavor tremendously, which helps satisfy you sooner. Plus, garlic lowers your blood sugar, increases your heart health, and increases serotonin in the brain. This is key to losing weight. You want to satisfy your appetite in a healthy way, add flavor to your foods, and eat in a way that makes you happy. Garlic does all of the above. The stink is well worth the price to pay for the health benefits it contains.
Note that fruits and vegetables are always freebies when it comes to eating healthy foods. I’ve just named several of my favorites that I think make great, simple, and healthy diet foods to help you lose weight faster and keep it off. What foods would you add to this list that are simple and easy to find?
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