What Foods Will Help Boost Your Confidence?


Did you know there are foods that will make you feel more confident? Mostly, we’re talking about foods that contain an amino acid called tryptophan. This little chemical works like magic to boost the level of serotin in your brain which is the feel-good chemical. If you want to feel more confident, these are the foods to stick on your grocery list:

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Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate That's good news, isn't it? Who doesn't love chocolate? And now you have another reason to love it even more. Yes, it can make you feel happy and boost your confidence as well. Dark chocolate contains endorphins that produce a feeling of happiness. It also contains "phenylethylamine", a hallucinogen that produces serotonin. Eating dark chocolate may also reduce stress and anxiety, which again is going to help you feel more confident.


Dark chocolate is not only delicious, but it can also help boost your confidence. Studies have shown that dark chocolate contains endorphins that can produce a feeling of happiness and can reduce stress and anxiety. Dark chocolate also contains “phenylethylamine”, a hallucinogen that produces serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate your mood and can help to reduce depression.

In addition, dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage and can help to reduce inflammation in your body. Studies have also shown that dark chocolate can help to improve your cognitive performance and can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Dark chocolate also contains magnesium, which is an important mineral for your body. Magnesium helps your body to absorb calcium and helps to regulate your blood pressure. It also helps to regulate your blood sugar levels and can help to improve your energy levels.



Cheese You don't need to feel guilty of having a cube of cheese occasionally because it actually helps you feel happy and confident as well. Yes, it is caloric and your body may find it a bit hard to digest, but it contains zinc that may help reduce stress and depression. Just be sure to avoid eating cheese in large quantities and you will do just fine.



Herbs Using herbs like sage, garlic, lemon balm, and lavender may have calming effect on your mind and spirit as well. You just cannot go wrong with garlic – it's the healthiest food you will find to fix so many issues. Regular use of garlic will help lose weight, treat heart ailments, and keep blood pressure in check. It has positive effects on brain function, which in turn will boost confidence. Similarly, lavender and lemon balm work as anti-depressants and have a positive effect on your brain.


Nuts and Legumes

Nuts and Legumes Nuts and legumes contain serotonin in large quantities, so their regular consumption is sure to make you feel happy, which will eventually help you feel more confident. Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, peanuts, cashews, pumpkins, and sunflower are some of the best foods to boost your confidence. Avoid fried, salted, or roasted peanuts though, and eat nuts and legumes in moderation.



Fruits Adding foods in your diet with higher levels of serotonin will eventually improve your confidence. You can eat kiwis, bananas, mangoes, grapefruits, and pineapples to trigger serotonin production. Eat bananas when you feel depressed or weak to change the way you feel. Bananas also contain magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B that will improve brain functioning, and a healthy brain will always be the finest confidence booster.

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Fish Fish has always been called brain food. Seafood is a great source of serotonin. You can add fatty fish to your diet and enjoy various benefits. They contain essential fats like DHA that change the composition of nerve cell membrane and make you feel happier. Eating salmon regularly will help eliminate fat, keep you fit, and boost your brain functioning. All this will help you be a more confident person. You can also opt for fish like sardine, tuna, and herring because they are all great sources of serotonin and contain omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce symptoms of depression. You may consider taking fish oil supplements if you don’t like to eat fish.


Green Veggies

Green Veggies Add green leafy vegetables to your diet and you will feel more confident than before. Green veggies, such as spinach are extremely beneficial because they are a great source of serotonin, folic acid, and iron. The combination will improve your immunity and trigger the production of serotonin. You can also eat vegetables like cabbage, beans, and cauliflower to improve brain functioning and feel more confident than ever.

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Mmmmm chocolate cake!! Just thinking about exudes confidence.

God i needed this. Now that i know this u realized i eat most of these frequently

I love all of these!!!

I love chocolate!

Loved it! 😍

This list represents an almost perfect diet for me :)

Wow! 85 % of my normal diet. Guess that's why more often than not I'm on '10'! Every time I look in the Mirror #IBeLike "You A King Bruh"!!...

Wow ! Who doesnt wanna boost confidence like it , thanx

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