A great inclusion in any low fat diet or healthy eating plan, smoothies, shakes and juice blends are good to drink at any time of day and easy to make. As they use fruit and vegetables in the raw form you are usually getting the most nutrients out of each one that is included in the drink.
A kitchen designed for healthy eating should contain a blender/smoothie maker and an electric juicer if you can afford it.
These drinks all contain red vegetables which are absolutely packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants. If you don’t fancy the idea of raw vegetable juices you need to experiment a bit. Don’t mix things you probably wouldn’t eat together from a plate and play about with the seasoning until it suits your palate. Celery salt or garlic salt or a wee bit of horseradish or mustard might make all the difference.
All of these recipes are for 1 serving and all have between 100 and 200 calories per serving.
Blender, smoothie maker or food processor