24 Fabulous Pies for Girls Who Are Tired of Grandma's Recipe ...


24 Fabulous Pies for Girls Who Are Tired of Grandma's Recipe ...
24 Fabulous Pies for Girls Who Are Tired of Grandma's Recipe ...

I adore summer, but I also really look forward to the fall and all the wonderful things that come with it. One of those things is making and enjoying pies! There's nothing like enjoying a warm slice of pie in the fall and half the fun is baking it. This season, why not put a twist on your pie and create a fun, decorative crust design to make it as fun to look at as it is to eat! Keep scrolling for some best pie recipes!

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Lattice Top Pie Crust

food,dish,meal,breakfast,grass family, Tart Cherry Pie Love and
Here's a classic lattice top pie. Simple, gorgeous, and always pleases.


Honeycomb Crust

food,dish,baked goods,dessert,breakfast, 14 of the Most Creative
So cute and what a fun way to present your pie.


Leaf Pie Crust

food,dish,buttercream,icing,baked goods, Lattice-Topped Pumpkin Pie
Create this beautiful pie crust by using a special cutter or use cookie cutters you already have.


The Leaf Pie Crust is a unique and fun way to add a creative touch to your traditional pumpkin pie. It involves using a special cutter or cookie cutters to create a lattice pattern on top of the pie crust. This technique is perfect for those who are tired of the same old pie crust design and want to impress their guests with something new and exciting. The result is a visually appealing pie that is sure to be a hit at any gathering or holiday celebration. Plus, the added bonus of using cookie cutters means you can customize the design to fit any occasion or theme. Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun with your pie crusts!


Pinwheel Pie Crust

food,dessert,dish,baked goods,spiral, 4 Beautiful Pie Crusts That
Here's another interesting way to showcase the pie filling!


Leaf Lattice

food,dish,meal,breakfast,dessert, Maple Pumpkin Pie with Leaf
A festive way to celebrate the changing color of the leaves during fall.


The Maple Pumpkin Pie with Leaf Lattice is a perfect addition to any fall gathering or holiday celebration. This pie features a beautiful leaf lattice design on top, adding a touch of elegance to the traditional pumpkin pie. The recipe, created by Martha Stewart, incorporates maple syrup into the filling for a unique and delicious twist on the classic pumpkin pie flavor. It is a great way to use up any leftover pumpkin puree from other fall recipes. This pie is sure to impress your guests and become a new family favorite.


Modern Pie Lattice

man made object,wood,lighting,food,dish, I like the modern take on this pie lattice. It's simple yet classy.


4th of July Pie

food,dish,meal,breakfast,cherry pie, betsylife.com
Although the 4th of July occurs in the summer, decorating your pie with fun stars is a good idea any time of the year.


Square Lattice-topped Tart

waffle,dish,food,meal,breakfast, A different way to display the classic lattice design.



food,dish,pie,baked goods,dessert, Whether you're celebrating Valentine's day or baking a pie for your year round Valentine, this heart crust is awesome!


Criss Cross

dish,food,produce,cuisine,meal, Thin pastry strips frame the beautiful ingredients inside perfectly.


Shingled Crust

food,dish,pie,baked goods,plant, A shingled crust makes the pie-eating experience that much better.


Deconstructed Apple Pie

dish,food,meal,breakfast,waffle, So, this is technically not a pie crust, but it's stunning nonetheless. A deconstructed apple pie inside of a mesh of caramel pastry, yum!


This delectable dessert is a twist on the classic apple pie. The caramel pastry is a unique and flavorful way to enjoy the classic dish. It is made with a layer of caramel pastry that is filled with apples and cinnamon, and then topped with a layer of caramel pastry. The result is a sweet and savory treat that will make any girl's mouth water. The combination of the caramel pastry and the apples and cinnamon is sure to be a hit. This is a great way to enjoy a classic dish with a modern twist.


Alphabet Pie

food,dish,baked goods,pie,dessert, food,dish,baked goods,pie,dessert, Although your pie likely doesn't need labeling, it's still a fun way to decorate, don't you think?


Floral Design

food,dish,dessert,produce,baked goods, Flowers and butterflies make a whimsy pie topper.


Message Imprint Pie Crust

dish,food,baked goods,dessert,breakfast, What message would you imprint on your crust?


Curly Rose

food,red,plant,produce,land plant, Apples make the perfect "roses" and look so scrumptious.


Curly Rose is a unique and delicious twist on the classic apple pie. This pie is made with thinly sliced apples that are arranged in a circular pattern, giving it the appearance of a rose. The apples are mixed with a sweet and tart filling made of sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter. The pie is then baked until the apples are tender and the crust is golden brown.

This pie is perfect for any special occasion, from a family dinner to a holiday celebration. It's also a great way to get creative in the kitchen and impress your guests with something unique. The combination of the sweet and tart filling and the crisp apples makes it a truly delicious dessert.

For those looking to make Curly Rose, it's important to use the freshest apples possible. The best apples to use are tart apples like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp. It's also important to slice the apples thinly so they can be easily arranged in the rose pattern. Once the pie is baked, it can be served with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream for an extra special touch.


Flower and Vine

food,dish,dessert,baked goods,plant, A stunning triple berry pie with equally extraordinary crust.



food,dish,dessert,icing,baked goods, This might take a little more time to do, but it's striking and memorable design.


Fluted Top with Vents

food,dish,pie,dessert,meal, This is another traditional way to top your pie and I must say that it's just as tempting as the more complex crusts!


Stencil Crust

food,dish,pie,baked goods,dessert, How cute is this?! If you're not into creating intricate designs on a crust, use stencils to add some personality.



food,dish,cherry pie,plant,dessert, Simple squares make this crust not only easy to make but also easy to love.


More Stencils

food,dish,baked goods,dessert,pie, Eat pie, love, and be content. Wise words to live by.


Cherry Blossom Pie Cut-outs

food,dish,baked goods,dessert,pie, Layering cute cut-outs is another simple way to sassy up your pie.


Matisse Pie Crust

art,ceramic,pattern,flower,material, Colorful pie crust "painted" with love using food coloring.

Ready to bake some pies? I hope these incredible creations inspired you to try something different this season!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

What about boys who are tired of grandma’s pie?

Wow so pretty..I'm going to have to try some of these

I love the rose and heart one!

These all look so good

They're works of art!

These are all awesome!

So creative

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