Holiday Meal Leftovers ...


Holiday Meal Leftovers ...
Holiday Meal Leftovers ...

Give yourself a head-start and plan on what you are going to do with the Christmas meal leftovers! This video gives your leftovers a royal makeover...

The royal makeover is obviously a breakfast dish called Turkey and Sage Hash. It's so easy that I would simply nuke it.

Throw in that turkey and mash potatoes, along with a little bell pepper, onions, jalapeno and top it off with some eggs. Total yum.

As for being frugal, all you need is one bell pepper, one onion, and one jalapeno. The turkey and mash potatoes are leftover. A carton of eggs is basically your main cost. Why go out for an expensive breakfast? A meal at home with family gathered around the table is something a lot of people wish they had. So, stay at home for the delicious breakfast and have everyone can stay in their jammies!

Have a Merry Christmas!

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