The Best Foods to Nurse a Nasty Hangover ...


The Best Foods to Nurse a Nasty Hangover ...
The Best Foods to Nurse a Nasty Hangover ...

We all know that late, late night of drinking and having to get up so early – and you have a splitting headache. If you're trying to nurse a hangover, these foods below will definitely help! Don't you worry ladies. Party hard and make sure you are stocked up on these foods!

1. Eggs

Eggs Don't forget the yolk!

2. Coconut Water

Coconut Water For a major pick-me-up after a late night of drinking, grab a cold glass of coconut water!

3. Avocado

Avocado Drinking can really lower your potassium, so eating some avocado will help you immensely!

4. Dried Apricots

Dried Apricots These little guys are packed with sugar and will help kick the headache!

5. Salmon

Salmon Salmon is packed with B12, which will absolutely help you get over your hangover.

6. Beans

Beans After a night of drinking, your body is craving magnesium and that's what beans are packed with!

7. Beets

Beets Beets increase blood flow and so you'll definitely be able to overcome your hangover easier!

8. Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea Have you ever had ginger ale for an upset tummy? Same concept!

9. Pickle Juice

Pickle Juice The vinegar will snap away all of those hangover feelings!

10. Miso Soup

Miso Soup Soup of any kind will help but Miso is especially helpful!

11. Oats

Oats Oats will really take away all the feelings of a hangover!

12. Bananas

Bananas Want to replace the potassium? Bananas will do it!

13. Asparagus

Asparagus This will help get rid of that bloat that comes with a hangover.

14. Mushrooms

Mushrooms These will really help detox you!

15. Raw Cabbage

Raw Cabbage Cabbage will definitely take away that headache you'll have.

16. Brown Rice

Brown Rice Carb it up!

17. Fennel

Fennel This is the best herb to restore your body!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Water! And today I read on a "life hacks" calendar that honey and I believe it was crackers help with a hangover

And when you just can't stomach water, suck on ice. It melts (obviously) but at a rate your stomach can digest a bit easily.

Thanks really helpful

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