7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happy for Girls Feeling Low Lately ...


7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happy for Girls Feeling Low Lately ...
7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happy for Girls Feeling Low Lately ...

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happy for Girls Feeling Low Lately

If you've ever felt like your kitchen is like a magical apothecary that can whip up wonders, you’re barking up the right tree! Many girls, myself included, have turned to our trusty fridge and pantry when we’re feeling a bit down. In 2024, life seems to throw an endless parade of stress-induced obstacles our way. But, lo and behold, science has our backs with certain foods that can boost those happy hormones. And who doesn't want an excuse to snack?

The notion that nutrition has a significant impact on our mental health is not just folklore anymore. Trust me, there’s more to it than just that nostalgic feeling of biting into a chocolate chip cookie your granny used to make. Foods loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, have shown to be quite the game-changers. This isn’t a drill, ladies; I mean, just look at the commendable role of salmon when we discuss brain health. Not just a fancy dinner option, huh? And let’s not even get started on dark chocolate—pure bliss in every bite.

What if I told you that chomping down on some leafy greens could do wonders for your mind? I know, spinach and kale may sound about as fun as attending a calculus class on a sunny day, but they are rich in folates! These leafy delights are legit superheroes in keeping those mood swings in check. You’ll thank them during those times when you feel like a guest star in an emotional rollercoaster movie.

One surprising superstar in the mood-boosting lineup is the humble banana. Yes, that yellow fruit you've probably been ignoring in your basket can do more than just turn into banana bread when it gets too ripe. With its sheer load of tryptophan, it's like a natural serotonin booster minus the side effects.

And let’s not sideline the recipients of fermentation—yogurt and other probiotics. These gut-friendly gems provide a direct ticket to happy town via the gut-brain axis. I know, who knew your gut was so chatty with your brain?

In this article, we'll discuss 7 magical foods that can turn that frown upside down faster than a Netflix binge. If you find yourself feeling low lately, these foods might just be what you need to inject a little sunshine into your day. And yes, we will also delve into how to incorporate these foods seamlessly into your daily diet.

So, without further ado, let’s sandwich this conversation with our first happy food on the list!

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Broccoli Broccoli is one of the foods that will improve your mood since it contains chromium, which can increase your brain’s levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin, helping you feel less stressed, more energised and calmer. Eating this tasty vegetable is not only great for your overall health but the nutrients it contains will make your brain happier.



Chocolate We all know that chocolate is a certified feel-good food since it contains nutrients that will make you feel happy. This is a great reason to indulge in rich, dark chocolate more often - the darker, the better. It’s loaded with a chemical called polyphenol that boosts your mood, making you feel calm and happy. But make sure that you don’t forget about moderation because a lot of studies have shown that we only need 2 or 3 small pieces a week.



Shellfish Clams are full of vitamin B12, a vitamin that your brain needs to make more mood-improving dopamine and serotonin. There are a lot of studies which show that low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to depression so try eating more seafood like trout or salmon to improve your mood and feel happier.



Almonds Almonds are stocked in magnesium, a mineral that aids serotonin development in the brain. Lacking adequate levels of magnesium in your diet can have a negative impact on your mood, leading to depression. It’s always a good idea to keep a stash of nuts at your desk since you never know when you’ll need to give your mood a little boost. If you don’t like almonds, you can eat some peanuts or some cashews since these nuts are also well-stocked in magnesium and they can be a good replacement for almonds.



Apricots These delicious fruits are packed with vitamin B6, which has been shown in numerous studies to reduce depression by improving your mood. These summery treats also contain antioxidants like beta carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein, higher levels of which are linked to higher moods.

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Yoghurt Cultured dairy products can enhance your populations of probiotic bacteria, which are well-known as a force of good in your gut. A study performed by the scientists at UCLA found that “women who ate probiotic yogurt twice a day reacted less stressfully when shown pictures of angry and frightened faces.”



Spinach Spinach is full of magnesium, a mineral that plays an important part in the development of serotonin. A lot of studies show that a lack of serotonin can lead to insomnia, anxiety, fatigue and even depression. So, in order to avoid all that, give spinach a try and you will see what a tasty, delicious and healthy food it really is.

If you want to improve your mood, try to also eat more honey, grapes, oranges, bananas, coconuts, strawberries, chilis, oysters and even poultry. Do you know any other foods that are scientifically proved to make us happy? Please tell us more about them in the comments section!


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Does anyone know what that dish is pictured with 'Broccoli'? It looks mouth-wateringly delicious!

Broccoli gives you gas!!! You might be happy, but the people around you won't be.

Food period makes me happy LOL!! BUT this is soooo true!!

Every little helps

Great ¡!


Happiness is mind over matter ! You don't need special food or drink to submerge in happiness💫

Very strange but the pic of apricots looks very much like blood oranges

Odd but cool

Chocolate is my 6th food group!

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