Absolute Best Flavored Waters for People Who Want to Hydrate Deliciously ...


Absolute Best Flavored Waters for People Who Want to Hydrate Deliciously ...
Absolute Best Flavored Waters for People Who Want to Hydrate Deliciously ...

Tap water is too plain to actually enjoy. That's why you should toss in a few special ingredients into an infuser. That way, you won't have to waste your money on overly priced sugary drinks. You can make flavored water yourself! Here are some of the best ingredients to use in a water infuser:

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1/2 Orange and 1/2 Fennel Bulb

food, plant, produce, fruit, citrus,


1/4 Sliced Apple and 1 Cinnamon Stick

meal, food, breakfast, produce, drink,


1 Tsp. Grated Ginger and 1/2 Sliced Lemon

drink, plant, cocktail, mojito, citrus,


1/4 Cups of Frozen Blueberries and 6 Mint Leaves

food, plant, strawberry, produce, strawberries,


Lavender Lemonade

citrus, drink, lemon, plant, produce,


Blueberries with Orange

yellow, food, mason jar, produce, drink,


Citrus and Cucumber

drink, citrus, produce, food, plant,


Blueberries and Lavender

food, meal, berry, breakfast, plant,


Citrus and Cilantro

food, drink, produce, liqueur, glass bottle,


Watermelon and Brasil

strawberry, watermelon, food, plant, produce,


Watermelon and Mint

food, plant, produce, drink, dessert,


Watermelon Coconut Agua Fresca

drink, plant, produce, food, juice,


Mojito Water

drink, caipirinha, citrus, mojito, lime,


Pear and Vanilla

food, produce, plant, land plant, fruit,


Strawberry Jalapeno Flavored Water

strawberry, strawberries, food, plant, produce,


Rainbow Citrus Flavored Water

food, produce, plant, juice, fruit,


Cardamom Rose Water

drink, cocktail, produce, food, glass,


Ginger Peach Combination

food, plant, produce, land plant, fruit,


Lemon - Mint - Honey Water

drink, mojito, cocktail, citrus, produce, What's your favorite combination?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

@Dennalll husky u

My favorite is pineapple, banana and raspberries. All squished together, its delicious. Tastes like vacation :)

what is a fennel bulb?

Its like im saying amazing grace oh my goodness

I absolutely love the lemon and the ginger one!! You may think the ginger is gross but it's sweet and compliments the lemon and u don't have to grate it ( I don't ) and u don't need a specific amount I usually put 3-4 lemon wedges with a slice of ginger

Gotta try them all

Be aware that acid fruit (such as citrus) can erode your teeth and constantly sipping it in water could have a negative effect

Wrinkles round the mouth with drinking through a straw I have never heard of it!!

I have fresh mint, lemon and cucumber slices, tastes lovely and it's very good for you too. I also use fresh mint and strawberries.

Be aware that sipping through a straw can give you wrinkles around the mouth!

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