17 Foods That Are Way Too Hipster to Eat ...


17 Foods That Are Way Too Hipster to Eat ...
17 Foods That Are Way Too Hipster to Eat ...

Hipster foods, what a fascinating and deliciously pretentious topic to delve into! Yes, my friends, in this splendid year of 2024, the culinary world has truly transcended mere nutrition and tapped into the realms of fashion and social commentary. From endless layers of avocado toast to intricate latté art that looks too pretty to sip, these hipster foods are redefining what it means to dine in style.

Believe it or not, I once found myself in a café where they served coffee in tiny plant pots instead of cups. I kid you not. Walking into that quirky establishment felt like wandering inside an Instagram filter. If you’ve ever dared to try kale smoothies or sampled the peculiar delight of heirloom vegetables, you’ll know just how far experimental foodists will go to shock and awe.

My journey into the depths of culinary hipsterism began during my university days. Picture a time when "local" and "organic" were whispers on the lips of a few forward-thinkers, rather than the unavoidable buzzwords they are today. The vegan burgers, the paleo pastries, and let's not forget the moments of pure gastronomic judgment when someone dared to eat a regular, normie croissant.

This article is your ultimate guide to the most audacious of these pretentious delights. From charcoal-infused delicacies that make you feel like a health guru to sustainable seafood options that practically praise Poseidon himself, we’ve got a cornucopia of laughably hip choices. Trust me, I’ve been down this rabbit hole and come back with a newfound appreciation for food that requires a dictionary to understand fully.

Intrigued? You should be. We'll cover groundbreaking culinary gems like the "Art of Avocado Toast", explore the quirky world of "Charcoal Everything!", and peel back the layers on the perplexing "Mushroom Magic". That's right. Mushrooms. Magic. The hipsterness is palpable.

These dishes, however unapproachable they may seem, are not mere meals but conversation starters. Telling your friends that your quinoa was lovingly harvested from a small urban farm might earn you some snickers, but let's face it, that’s all part of the fun! Each bite, each sip transports you into the heart of contemporary culture, for better or for worse.

So, grab your kombucha, put on your thick-rimmed glasses, and pull up a seat at this table of delightfully absurd edibles, because we’re about to dive deep into the wonderfully weird world of foods that are simply too hipster to eat. Let's embark on this flavorful journey as we pinpoint the trends, embrace the oddities, and laugh at the elaborate lengths people will go to in the name of being a bona fide food hipster.

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What is This?

No, but really. It looks like one of those magazine recipes that were popular in the '70s.


So This is a Watermelon Cake

I don't know why it is, but it is. And, I mean, it's pretty. I just … well, okay, I kind of get it.


Extreme Shake

Okay, okay, no. this is just hipster enough to eat.


Everything about This Plate

I don't even know what this is, but it's gorgeous, right? It's stunning food porn, I just don't know if it's entirely edible.


Hipsters like Things in Cubes

Geometric food is the new thing. I think I'm joking, but there's every chance in the world that I'm not joking at all. Maybe I just called it on the next big food trend.

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Whatever This is

I bet it's deconstructed something. What IS it?


Salad in a Jar

Hahaha, I like these, though. I never said I didn't have hipster tendencies myself, okay?


Cookie Dough in a Jar

Again, just hipster enough to eat. I mean, okay, you could make it yourself, but it wouldn't be gourmet, but it would taste just as good and cost way less. Basically, I'm cool with cookie dough in a jar, really.


These Beers in Mason Jars

Mason jars are everywhere. I'm such a hypocrite. I'm drinking lemonade out of a glass exactly like these.


Look at This Wrap in a Cone

I'm torn. This is kind of genius. But is it practical? Can you really eat that, or does it just look really neat?


Everything Comes in a Cone

You get a cone, and you get a cone, and you, you, you get a cone!


Look for the Ketchup

Did you see it? The ketchup is in a teeny tiny Mason jar.


Everything about This Breakfast

Don't get me wrong, it looks delicious, it's just … this is more about presentation. Except, I confess, I kind of think it's cute.


… and This Breakfast

Wooden cutting board for a plate? Check. Bacon? Check. Bacon presented in an interesting manner? Check. Soft-boiled eggs in their carton? Check, check, check. Again, though, I secretly find this adorable.


Just Serving You Some Home Fries in a Flower Pot

Because why not? Why the hell not? Why doesn't everyone serve their fries in a flower pot?


These Pastries


And Lastly, These Magical Croissants

Yeah, but I'd eat these. I'd eat these so hard.

What's the most hipster food you've ever seen and/or eaten? Or served, for that matter?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think #14 is prosciutto not bacon

Pizza cones are amazing. Its like ice cream pizza. And you eat it without having to worry about the grease dripping. Genious!

Cookie dough in a jar sounds so good right now

Some of these foods aren't even that hipster anymore... Food in jars is totally trendy now! I'm not complaining about the cookie dough.

Pizza cones are famous in my country

Can we all just take a minute and stare at #4 and the persons ability to make food look like a crime scene...kinda eerie and cool!

The watermelon 'cake' looks amazing though

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