We’ve all been there, those weekend mornings when you wake up with an absolute killer of a hangover, and one of the only things you can think about is how much you want to get a greasy bacon sandwich down your throat to try and absorb some of that regretful alcohol! There is always time for a hangover fry up, but perhaps doing it every single time isn’t the best course of action for your long term diet and health! Instead, here are twenty of the best healthy foods to cure a hangover.
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1. Marmite
You either love it or you hate, but Marmite (or Vegemite) is really a fab food for hangovers! Sure, it does contain a lot of salt, but a little goes a long way and the B vitamins that is contains can help to replenish your body really quickly.
2. Pears
A recent study showed that drinking pear juice can reduce the effects of a hangover from anything between 16 and 21 percent.
3. Water
Alcohol dehydrates you, so you need to get as much water back into your body as possible, it’s as simple as that!
4. Lime
The citrus and zest of a lime is great for blowing away hangover cobwebs. Add two teaspoons of lime juice and some honey to a pint of water.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain extra glutathione, which is the substance your body need to help counteract hangover toxins.
6. Spinach
Spinach will help to replace all of the folic acid, vitamin C and sulfur that you need to feel better.
7. Gherkins
Not on top of a greasy burger though! Gherkins have the right amount of vitamin A, calcium, and potassium to put you back on the right path.
8. Fruit Juice
Fruit will do the double of giving you a hydration boost and a providing you with some beneficial natural sugars.
9. Ginger
Ginger’s anti inflammatory properties will help to calm down and soothe your digestive system.
10. Bananas
It’s all about potassium; the more you have in your body, the less tired and nauseous you will be.
11. Wholegrain Bread
A great source of the B vitamins that your body will be craving for detoxifying purposes!
12. Beans
Beans are a great source of folic acid and fibre, two things that your body will need in abundance to help it recover.
13. Peppermint Tea
It’s hydrating, and it also has great effects on your digestive system, helping to relieve tension and bloating.
14. Garlic
Garlic is a natural antibiotic and has good antioxidant properties, so the more you have in your system, the healthier you are going to feel.
15. Olive Oil
Olive oil can slow the absorption of alcohol in your body, so it’s worth drizzling some on your dinner before you even start drinking!
16. Nuts
Nuts are great sources of protein and vitamin E, but stay away from the salted ones for dehydration purposes.
17. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is perfect for soothing a throbbing and tender stomach. Sweeten it with honey for an energy boost.
18. Asparagus
Asparagus has a reputation for being able to reduce bloating, which is something that happens for a lot of people when they're hungover.
19. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is actually a natural pain reliever, so eating something spicy could distract you from your hangover woes.
20. Honey
Honey will provide you with a warming sweetness in your time of need, and will also boost your potassium levels and replace the sugars that you lost thanks to the alcohol!